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Image text: "Biomethane Plant Advantages".

Biomethane Plant Advantages – The Growth in Biogas Upgrading Purification

There is a biomethane plant biogas upgrading purification revolution taking place. The advantages of biomethane are so great that most new anaerobic digestion plants throughout Europe, no longer export electricity. They sell biomethane instead. Instead, they take biogas production one stage further. They make their raw biogas as near clean as makes no difference by […]

Image shows the text: "First IoW Biogas Plant - Update"

First IoW Biogas Plant – Update and Now There Will be Two!

The first Isle of Wight Biogas Plant was in the news in 2015 when Wight Farm Energy and Schmack Biogas combined their international expertise with local knowledge to build and commission the first IoW biogas plant. Now there will be a second Anaerobic Digestion Facility on the UK holiday and sailing Island. Here is our […]

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