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Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion

Featured image with text: Sugar waste biogas pumped by Borger.

Sugar Waste Biogas Production Enhanced by Borger Rotary Lobe Pumps

In this article, we discuss unlocking the potential of anaerobic digestion or sugar waste biogas including sugarcane biomass, and sugar beet waste for biogas production not forgetting pre and post-consumer sugary food waste. However, none of this would be possible without reliable and affordable equipment to convey the viscous fibre-filled mash of this biomass through […]

Image with the text: "Mandatory Separate Food Waste Segregation For All UK Businesses Set By 2026."

Mandatory Separate Food Waste Segregation For All UK Businesses Set By 2026

Food waste is not just a problem with a few plate scrapings; it’s a global challenge impacting our environment dramatically. With years of experience in separate food waste segregation, particularly focusing on sustainable waste management practices, I’ve seen firsthand how mismanagement of food waste can exacerbate climate change issues. This blog draws from extensive research […]

Image with text: "Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion."

6 Challenges And Benefits Of Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion: A Comprehensive Review

Dive into the world of food waste anaerobic digestion and learn how it tackles this pressing waste problem while powering our world in a greener way. Read more now! Food waste isn’t just messy; it’s a growing environmental headache and a squander of resources that hits us all in the pocket. Managing this mountain of leftovers has […]

Image with the text: "Finding feedstock for anaerobic digestion plants".

Finding the Right Feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion Plants

The Challenge of Securing Adequate Feedstock for AD Plants to Secure Initial Capital Funding and During Operation Anaerobic digestion (AD) plants plays a crucial role in the renewable energy landscape, producing biogas through the digestion of organic waste feedstock. However, one of the major challenges in developing and sustaining AD facilities is finding the right […]

Food waste outside homes with recycling bins, scavenged by birds and animals, highlighting environmental impact.

Separate Food Waste Collections Mandatory in England by 2026

It might seem obvious that it’s way beyond the time for English local authorities to implement separate food waste collections (SFWCs). Wales and Scotland have been doing it successfully for 7 years. Now, at last, weekly SFWCs are set to become a legal requirement for all English LAs by 2026. The government’s implementation of food waste […]

Image text says: "The Truth behind electric kitchen composters".

The Truth Behind Electric Kitchen Composters: Understanding Food Waste Management

Take care! “Electric Kitchen Composters” are not what their name suggests them to be. In the realm of sustainable living and waste management, the distinction between traditional composting and modern food waste dehydrators is often blurred. Recent discussions by BioCycle columnists Sally Brown and Ron Alexander have highlighted the issue: many in-home food waste dehydrators […]

post-consumer food waste featured image

Post-Consumer Food Waste: Transform Leftovers Into Energy with AD

Food waste is a big issue all over the world. Every year, loads of food gets thrown away after people eat, and much of this leftover food is called post-consumer food waste. It’s important to know that in America alone, people toss out about 60 million tonnes of food every year, which means nearly half […]

Featured image text: "Converting food waste to animal feed".

Converting Food Waste to Animal Feed: Going Beyond Leftovers for Livestock

Welcome to our journey into the fascinating world of converting food waste to animal feed. Explore the sustainable practice of converting food waste into valuable animal feed. Learn how this innovative approach reduces waste, cuts methane emissions, and supports a greener future. Discover practical steps for businesses to take action. Join us in the journey […]

feature Image with text: "Simpler Recycling Collections".

Simpler Recycling Collections by 2026 Announced & All England to Get Separate Food Waste Collections

“Simpler Recycling Collections” by 2026 as announced by Defra, also means that all local authority councils in England will provide householders with separate weekly food waste collections from the kerbside by the end of 2026. On Friday 21 October the UK government put out a Press Release which is of interest to the AD community […]

Featured image - Text: "Food Waste Biogas-How to do it".

Food Waste Biogas Made from Local Authority Organic Collections is a Green Marvel: How to Do It Right

Food waste biogas, in other words, making renewable fuel (methane) from local authority food waste (by using it as a feed for the Anaerobic digestion (AD) process) to make biogas is a marvel. But it has numerous potential pitfalls. It can ONLY be an effective component of a municipal organics recycling system if done right, […]

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