Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion

Image Text: How to Improve Sewage Sludge Treatment

How to Improve Sewage Sludge Treatment – A Water Industry AD Plant Performance Review

Anaerobic digestion has been shown to be the best technology for treating wastewater from sewage systems globally and is increasingly being used in sewage treatment. The properties of sludge can be modified during anaerobic digestion and produce biogas as a result of the treatment, as well as several positive effects on sludge management. Anaerobic digestion […]

Image text: "Biogas digester cost and farm fertiliser savings".

Biogas Digester Cost and Amazing Farm Fertiliser Savings

Stay on this page if you want our views on biogas digester cost and to see a case study on the dramatic fertiliser cost savings which were the result of fitting a new mixer system designed to raise the profitability of AD plants. How much does it cost to build a biogas plant? Biogas plant […]

Image text: "Veolia and Anaerobic Digestion - Global Waste Company Embraces Anaerobic Digestion".

Veolia and Anaerobic Digestion – Global Waste Company Embraces Circularity

In this article, we look at how Veolia and anaerobic digestion (AD) are progressing together, as an example of how one global waste company is building their investment in biogas technology as it embraces circularity across the business. This post is a compilation of our research, based upon the information provided by the company across […]

Image text: "Get a Higher Price for Biogas from Waste with RGGOs".

Get a Higher Price for Biogas from Waste with Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs)

Biogas plant owners can now get a higher price for biogas or biomethane made from waste organics (biowaste) than for biogas or biomethane which uses food crops in their feedstock. Argus, one of the world’s top energy and commodity intelligence companies, has just released prices for biomethane guarantees of origin. Biomethane can be used as […]

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