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Thumbnail image with text: "Biomethane Development Ireland".

Biomethane Development in Ireland Autumn 2023 Bright Future

In this article, we report on Biomethane Development in Ireland the story of the growth of Ireland’s biomethane industry as reported in several business and media announcements, as of the autumn of 2023. As an EU member nation Ireland’s bioenergy sector, including the Anaerobic Digestion industry, will participate in the “REPowerEU Strategy“. The new EU-wide […]

Bio LNG Production: Featured Image with text: "A Guide to Bio Liquified Natural Gas Manufacture".

Bio LNG Production: A Guide to Bio Liquified Natural Gas Manufacture

Welcome to our blog about Bio LNG Production, this being our guide to Bio-Liquified Natural Gas manufacturing using the Anaerobic Digestion Process.   Is your business dealing with organic waste and looking for sustainable ways to convert it into valuable energy? You might find the answer in Bio-LNG, a renewable fuel derived from the anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic waste. […]

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