Biogas from human waste - featured image

How to Make Biogas from Human Waste

Many communities struggle with waste management and energy shortages. These problems often go hand in hand, especially in developing countries—causing environmental pollution and limiting economic growth.

Biogas from human waste offers a groundbreaking solution. This advanced technology converts human excreta into renewable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while improving sanitation. 2

This blog will explain the process of biogas production, highlighting its benefits and real-world applications. We'll also discuss overcoming challenges to scale this innovative solution. 1

Keep reading—you'll be surprised by the possibilities! 3

Table of Contents

Biogas, possibly human in origin, in use for cooking.

Key Takeaways

  • Biogas from human waste is green energy. It cuts greenhouse gas emissions by up to 91% and improves sanitation (Environmental Researcher).
  • Mixing human waste with chicken feathers boosts methane production by 73%. This makes the process more efficient (4).
  • Ghana operates over 200 biogas plants. These use human excreta for energy, improving hygiene (13).
  • New reactor designs in 2023 improved methane rates, crucial for developing countries like Nigeria (5).
  • China uses biogas in nearly 50 million homes. This shows its significant role in renewable energy (8).

The Basics of Biogas Production from Human Waste

Biogas comes from breaking down human waste without air. This process happens in special tanks called anaerobic digesters….

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The process of anaerobic digestion

Anaerobic digestion involves bacteria breaking down organic matter without oxygen. 1 Common feedstocks include animal manure, wastewater biosolids, and food waste.

Inside biogas reactors, these materials decompose into methane (50-75%), carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, and trace gases. 2 This process is crucial for renewable energy generation from human excrement.

Next: Also key to this process are several important components…

Key components required for biogas production

Biogas production from human waste involves key components. This process ensures efficient methane yield and waste management.

  1. Anaerobic Digestion Tank: The tank creates an oxygen-free environment. Organic materials decompose here, producing biogas.
  2. Human Waste Feedstock: Use human feces as the primary material. It contains high organic content for better biogas production.
  3. Bacteria (Methanogens): Methanogens break down waste in anaerobic conditions. They are essential for converting waste to methane.
  4. Mixing Mechanism: Keeps the feedstock well-mixed. Promotes even bacterial activity and maximises gas output.
  5. Temperature Control System: Maintains optimal temperatures of 30-40°C (mesophilic) or 50-60°C (thermophilic). Ensures bacteria remain active and productive.
  6. pH Monitoring System: Keeps pH levels between 6.8 and 7.2 to foster bacterial growth and prevent acid build-up.
  7. Digestate Storage Tank: Stores the nutrient-rich byproduct called digestate. Useful as natural fertiliser after further treatment. 3
  8. Gas Collection System: Captures produced biogas efficiently for storage or immediate use as a renewable energy source.
  9. Safety Devices (Pressure Relief Valves): Protects against pressure build-up within the system, ensuring safe operation of the plant.
  10. Pumps and Piping System: Transports both feedstock into the digester and moves digestate out, facilitating continuous processing. 2

These components work together to convert human poop into valuable biogas, providing a sustainable energy source while managing waste effectively.

Technological Innovations in Human Waste Biogas Production

Human waste biogas production has advanced with new reactor designs and improved feed compositions. These innovations increase methane yield and make the process more efficient.

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Optimising feed composition for increased methane yield

Mixing human waste with powdered chicken feathers can improve biogas production. Researchers have shown this mixture boosts methane by 73%. It also reduces nitrogen levels by 68%, making the process more efficient.

Co-digestion balances nutrient ratios, key for high yields. Using diverse substrates like plant matter and animal dung helps maintain a steady feedstock supply. “The right composition makes all the difference,” experts say. 4

Advances in human waste anaerobic reactor design

Designing better anaerobic reactors boosts methane production. Newer models handle high-solids anaerobic digestion more efficiently. In 2023, researchers achieved a peak methane rate of 287.08 mL/g TS at 11% TS from human faeces. 5 These advanced reactors improve energy yields and are crucial for places like Nigeria.

Innovative features include optimised mixing mechanisms and enhanced temperature controls. Co-digestion with other organic waste, such as animal manure or food scraps, also helps increase output.

Enhanced designs ensure efficient biogas plants that meet the growing need for renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Integration of co-digestion techniques

Co-digestion combines human waste with other organic material. Mixing human faeces with poultry litter and cow dung helps increase biogas yield. For example, using 100% human faeces produced 7.62 × 10³ ml of biogas. 7

Combining different materials shows better results. A mix of 50% human faeces and 50% poultry litter produced 9.85 × 10³ ml of biogas. Adding cow dung to the mix gave even higher yields—40% human faeces with 60% cow dung made around 12.96 × 10³ ml of biogas. 6

Co-digestion increases biodegradable organic matter load, improves buffer capacity and boosts overall biogas production efficiency… making it a powerful tool in renewable energy! 6

Benefits of Biogas from Human Waste

Biogas from human waste provides a green energy option. It also helps manage waste effectively, reducing pollution and improving hygiene.

Renewable energy source

Biogas is a powerful renewable energy source. Methane and carbon dioxide from biogas can be upgraded to biomethane for cooking and heating. China uses biogas in 50 million households, mainly in rural areas. 8

The US has over 2,200 biogas sites which could generate up to 103 trillion kilowatt hours of electricity every year. This helps cut down on fossil fuel use and reduces greenhouse gas emissions significantly. 8

[> “Using human waste to make biogas creates renewable energy and improves sanitation.” – Environmental Researcher]

Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

Biogas from human waste can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 91 percent. Methane, produced during anaerobic digestion, is a clean fuel compared to fossil fuels. Using biogas reduces our reliance on coal and oil. 9

Energy Alternatives India estimates that 0.12 million tonnes of faecal sludge could create 3600 MW of fuel. This process traps harmful gases like ammonia and carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the air.

Waste management and sanitation improvements

Biogas production significantly improves waste management and sanitation. In 2020, 46% of people worldwide lacked safely managed sanitation services. 10 Biogas plants transform human faeces into clean energy, reducing foul waste and disease risks.

Ghana operates over 200 biogas plants. These plants use both human excreta and animal dung, creating natural fertiliser while reducing chemical oxygen demand (COD) in local water sources.

This dual benefit supports clean drinking water access and soil health.

Real-World Human Waste Biogas Applications and Case Studies

Biogas from human waste is powering cities and helping rural areas… Discover how different regions are using this technology to improve lives.

Pilot projects in urban and rural settings

Pilot projects help test biogas from human waste. These projects show how it works in real life.

  1. School Biogas Systems
    Schools install biogas systems. They turn human waste into energy for cooking and heating. This reduces costs and improves sanitation.
  2. Rural Biogas Plants
    In rural areas, small communities use biogas plants. These plants produce energy for homes and farms. They help with waste management and provide a renewable source of power. 11
  3. Urban Sludge Treatment
    Cities use large-scale biogas plants to treat sewage sludge. The process reduces waste volume and creates energy to power local facilities. 12
  4. Community Initiatives in China
    Projects in China aim to reduce carbon emissions by setting up community biogas systems. These initiatives align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 11
  5. Success Stories from Developing Countries
    Countries like India and Kenya have successful biogas projects. These systems provide clean energy and improve public health by managing human waste effectively.
  6. Medium-Scale Schemes for Homes
    Medium-scale schemes are designed for households in low-income countries, making energy access more affordable while improving hygiene conditions.
  7. Pilot Projects Comparing Different Regions
    Comparative studies show how different regions use biogas technology uniquely based on local needs and resources available.

Anaerobic digestion water treatment cartoon.

Success stories from developing countries

Biogas from human waste has shown success in many developing countries. These projects are making a big difference.

  1. Ghana:
    • Ghana has over 200 biogas plants using human excreta and animal dung.
    • These plants improve sanitation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 13
    • They help rural and urban communities manage waste effectively.
  2. China:
    • China has many thousands of low-tech human biogas plants buried just below the ground. For example the Jinhua project processes kitchen wastes into biogas (December 2021).
    • Minhe Chicken Manure Biogas Plant uses chicken manure to produce energy (June 2021).
    • These projects promote a circular economy by recycling waste.
  3. India:
    • Many villages use community biodigesters fed by the full range of their organic waste, for cooking fuel.
    • This reduces the need for wood, cutting deforestation rates.
    • Families save money on energy costs.
  4. Kenya:
    • Urban areas are adopting biogas systems to manage sewage.
    • Schools and hospitals benefit from better hygiene and lower energy bills.
    • Biogas also powers street lighting, improving safety.
  5. Bangladesh:
    • NGOs support building small-scale biodigesters in rural homes.
    • Households convert human and animal waste into biogas for daily use.
    • Farmers use the by-products as natural fertiliser.
  6. Tanzania:
    • Community centres have started using large-scale biodigesters.
    • This generates electricity for local businesses, creating jobs and provides natural fertiliser for their crops.
      – It helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels.

Comparative analysis of different geographic implementations

Comparing geographic implementations of human waste biogas projects reveals diverse approaches and outcomes… Here's a snapshot:

RegionImplementation ApproachOutcomes
BrazilDistributed biogas generation in a microgrid (Study: February 2019)Enhanced energy distribution, localised energy independence
ChinaAnaerobic digestion of manure and crop strawPotential methane production: 73.6 billion m³ per year, significant renewable energy source
Urban Settings in Developing CountriesInnovative reactor designs, pilot projects increasing uptake of plastic moulded digester tanks, and horizontal plastic membrane “ballon style digesters” that minimise fugitive methane emissions.Improved waste management, localised sanitation benefits
Rural Settings in Developing CountriesCommunity-based digesters, as above.Enhanced community health, reduced waste issues

The table highlights different strategies and results across various regions. Brazil utilises microgrids for local energy. 14 China focuses on extensive methane extraction. Urban settings benefit from new technologies. Rural settings see communal health gains. Each approach adapts to local needs and circumstances.

Challenges and Solutions in Scaling Human Waste Biogas Technology

Scaling biogas technology faces big challenges, such as technical and logistical issues. Solutions involve improved sanitary engineering and cost-reduction strategies.

Overcoming technical and logistical hurdles

Technical and logistical hurdles can slow down biogas projects. The following steps will help overcome these obstacles:

  1. Monitor Quality: Use high-quality monitoring systems. Automated processes keep biogas plants running smoothly. 11
  2. Data-Driven Strategies: Track biogas demand with data. Adjust storage capacities based on this information.
  3. Anaerobic Digestion: Optimise the feed composition for better methane yield.
  4. Innovative Reactor Design: Use advanced designs of anaerobic reactors for improved efficiency.
  5. Co-Digestion Techniques: Integrate co-digestion techniques to enhance biogas production from human waste.
  6. Sanitation Engineering: Address hygiene and sanitary issues through strict protocols.
  7. Acceptability Promotion: Educate the public on the benefits of human waste biogas to increase acceptance.
  8. Regulatory Compliance: Follow local regulations closely to avoid legal problems.
  9. Cost-Reduction Strategies: Innovate ways to lower costs, making it easier to start and run a biogas plant.

Addressing these points will ensure the successful implementation of human waste biogas technology, helping meet energy needs while managing waste effectively.

Human waste biogas hygiene and sanitary engineering challenges

Overcoming technical and logistical hurdles in human waste biogas production leads to new challenges. Hygiene and sanitary engineering remain significant obstacles. Many farmers are reluctant to use slurry from biogas toilets due to social stigma. 15 Pathogen inactivation is a serious concern. Pathogens like *E. coli* and Enterobacteriaceae only reduce by one logarithmic unit during the process, potentially risking health. Engineers must design systems that manage pathogens effectively while maintaining community acceptance. 11 Cultural barriers also hinder adoption of toilet-linked biogas technology, making it hard to implement widely despite its many benefits for energy generation and waste management practices.

Addressing social acceptance and regulatory issues

Social acceptance and regulatory issues are key. Interdisciplinary approaches can help gain public approval for biogas technologies. Education on benefits like renewable energy and waste management is essential.

Governments must set clear rules on feedstock types and pretreatment methods.

Pilot projects in both urban and rural areas show success, but larger scale efforts face hurdles. Mixing human waste with powdered chicken feathers boosts production, which can help meet regulations. 11 Entities must follow hygiene standards to ensure safety in biogas plants. Effective communication will aid wider acceptance of this clean energy source.

Innovations in cost-reduction strategies

SMASH technology and multistage anaerobic digestion reduce costs. These processes enhance the decomposition of organic matter. This results in less energy use during biogas production. 16 Moreover, feedstock diversification helps cut waste management costs. Using food waste, faecal slurry, and energy crops together optimises resource recovery.

Advanced anaerobic reactors also improve efficiency. These new designs lower operational expenses by boosting methane yield from human wastes. Integrating co-digestion methods contributes to cost savings too.

Combining different waste types maximises biogas output without extra resources or effort.

Future Human Waste Biogas Perspectives and Potential Developments

New methods could mix human waste biogas with other renewable sources… Learn more about the future of sustainable energy!

Potential for integration with other renewable energy systems

Biogas can work well with other renewable energy systems. By combining biogas from human waste with solar panels, wind turbines, and hydroelectric plants, the energy costs go down.

This mix uses resources better. Research shows that using different renewable energies together boosts overall benefits. 2

Community Biogas Production and Distribution (CBPD) systems make this even better. These systems help spread energy to everyone fairly. CBPD can support both urban and rural areas alike.

Energy equality improves when diverse sources come together to meet local needs efficiently. 11

Advances in purification and storage technologies

Human waste biogas can be further cleaned and stored. Advances in purification remove impurities like hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide. This makes the methane (CH4) more efficient for energy use. 11

New storage methods increase safety and shelf life. Modern tanks reduce risks of leaks. These improvements help integrate biogas with other energy systems, making it a reliable source of renewable fuel.

Policy frameworks and governmental support

Governments in China and India have set up modern policies to boost biogas use. These rules often include feed-in tariffs which pay producers for biogas added to the grid. Many also offer grants, reducing start-up costs for human waste biogas projects.

Such support helps keep these projects financially sustainable. Trends show that more governments will back biomethane and biofuel production using new tech. This backing can make human waste biogas plants a key part of energy systems globally. 17

Next, let’s look at future developments in human waste biogas technology…


Biogas from human waste is a game-changer. It's clean, renewable energy that reduces waste and emissions. The technology helps provide stable power in developing countries. We can see real-world success with projects in schools and communities.

This green solution offers hope for a brighter future on many levels.


1. How is biogas made from human waste?

Biogas from human waste is produced through anaerobic decomposition. This process involves methanogenesis, where organic compounds in faecal sludge break down to form bio methane.

2. What are the benefits of using biogas as an alternative energy source?

Biogas provides a renewable source of energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating emissions of greenhouse gases. It also aids in resource recovery by producing natural fertiliser for soils.

3. Can biogas production help less developed countries?

Yes, it can offer sustainable sanitation solutions and generate power locally. On-site sanitation systems like septic tanks or treatment plants can convert human faecal matter into useful energy.

4. What role does codigestion play in biogas production?

Codigestion combines different types of organic waste with faecal sludge to enhance biochemical processes like acidogenesis and nitrification, improving overall gas yield.

5. Are there any environmental impacts associated with biogas from human waste?

Yes—while it reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, proper management is needed to control potential odours and maintain correct pH values during decomposition phases.

6. Who has researched this field extensively?

Researchers like Opuko R., Buragohain B., have studied anaerobic digestion methods for effective sewage treatment plants operations… Their work helps optimise stoichiometric balances crucial for efficient bio methane generation.


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  8. ^ (2023-02-23)
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  16. ^ (2023-10-26)
  17. ^ (2024-02-29)
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