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Image text says: "Biomethane producers play for the best market prices".

Biomethane Producers Play for the Best Biofuel Market Prices

Like it or not, biogas and especially biomethane producers should always take a keen interest in Biofuel Market Prices. Here is a list of 3 reasons, from analysts Energy Census why playing a sales game with market analysts to help you, pays off. The Press Release below was first published in January 2018 but remains […]

Image text: "Biomethane Plant Advantages".

Biomethane Plant Advantages – The Growth in Biogas Upgrading Purification

There is a biomethane plant biogas upgrading purification revolution taking place. The advantages of biomethane are so great that most new anaerobic digestion plants throughout Europe, no longer export electricity. They sell biomethane instead. Instead, they take biogas production one stage further. They make their raw biogas as near clean as makes no difference by […]

Image text: "Use of Biomethane Decarbonises Heavy Vehicles Now!"

Use of Biomethane Decarbonises Heavy Vehicles Now – Why Wait?

Today a new report has been announced which adds to the chorus of voices saying that the UK government and business community should promote the use of biomethane (purified biogas/ renewable compressed natural gas rCNG) for its ability to decarbonises all types of heavy vehicles now. We say: “Why would anyone wait for an as-yet […]

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