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Biogas Stoves for Small Scale Digesters and Home Cooking with Gobar

An in-depth article about biogas stoves covers everything from small-scale digesters to home cooking which, in India, is also known as “gobar gas”. So, read on for information on biogas stoves: On This Page What is a Biogas Stove? Stoves for Small Scale and Home Biogas Potential Improvements From Biogas Stoves Domestic Appliances Running on Biogas […]

Image has the text: "Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages".

Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages vs Biogas

We did find one advantage of shale gas when considering oil shale gas advantages and disadvantages vs biogas! So, welcome to the great debate between oil shale gas, and biogas. As someone who has studied many difficult comparisons, I understand that every scenario has advantages and disadvantages. It’s no different when it comes to fossil […]

Image text: "Advanced Conversion Technologies Extract Energy from Waste".

Advanced Conversion Technologies Extract Energy from Waste – AD Rivals?

Advanced Conversion Technologies is the term for technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis. These could become competitors with Anaerobic Digestion. In fact, a number of innovative advanced, high-temperature processes for Energy from Waste/ Waste to Energy, are beginning to emerge from the far east. Extracting Energy from Waste Provides a Sustainable Source of Energy Advanced […]

Featured image: "Small Scale Anaerobic Digestion Contracts for Difference (CfDs) requested by ADBA."

Call for AD Contracts for Difference (CfD) Scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy

On the day that the UK didn’t leave Europe, the trade association ADBA called for a Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy including biogas. (Not sure you understand what CfDs are? If so, scroll down to our explanation below!) Why choose a day when, amongst the Brexit furor, almost nobody would be […]

Image says: "Biomethane Production in Sweden"

Biomethane Production: Sweden Leads with Schmack Carbotech Plant – Plus One in France

Biomethane Production in Sweden continues to lead in installed biomethane facilities just as it did when we first reported this in 2014. We said at the time that “Sweden’s leading role in bioenergy through biomethane production, with the world’s largest installed biogas upgrading capacity, is set to further pull ahead”. It did and now in 2022, […]

Image text: "Farm Methane Digesters US".

Farm Methane Digesters – What to Know About Cow Power

Farm methane digesters are large tanks, or covered lagoons, where organic materials from the dairy farm are stored and broken down by bacteria and organisms called archaea to make renewable methane gas. These are also known as anaerobic digesters: facilities that harness the power of methane produced by decomposing cow waste and convert it into […]

Image illustrates electricity generation from biogas

Electricity Generation from Biogas

Electricity generation from biogas is not new. There are already millions of biogas plants in operation throughout the world and many provide electricity. The biogas generators needed to produce electricity from biogas are available at all scales of output. Plus, the technology to clean up the raw biogas before it is combusted is available, tried and […]

Image reads: "Misplaced Food v Fuel Fears".

Misplaced Food v Fuel Fears – Germany May Unnecessarily Restrict Crop-based Biofuels

In response to food vs. fuel concerns, Germany intends to limit crop-based biofuels. The following article was first published by Fastmarkets in their Energy Census [RE]fuel Report: The main takeaway from this is that politicians and the general public alike both assume that most biogas is made from crops which would otherwise become food. This […]

Biomethane buses Reading UK an advantage of biogas biomethane illustrated.

Decarbonising Transport is Biggest of all Advantages of Biogas

The advantages of biogas are many and elsewhere on this blog we list them, but until now the biggest advantage of biogas (in Decarbonising Transport especially when “upgraded” to biomethane) has been waiting to be discovered. Globally there is no large and successful city that is not suffering air pollution from the ever-rising numbers of […]

Image text: "UK Biofuel Targets for Road Transport Fuel Explained".

UK Biofuel Targets for Road Transport Fuel Explained and RTFO Regulations 2018

UK Biofuel Targets for Road Transport Fuel are explained in this article in accordance with the UK government regulations regarding the RTFO rules which came into force in April 2018. In the U.K., the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation came into force on April 15, 2018. In addition to recent EU targets set, the US government […]

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