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EVENT: Meet Food Waste Depackager Drycake in UK: May 2022 “Fact Finding Mission”

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A Depackaging and Sorting Equipment Manufacturer is offering Free Meetings with Organic Waste Treatment Companies During a UK Visit in May.

What are your depackaging and separation equipment needs and problems? Read on and be sure to reach out to Marie if you need better organics processing equipment!

Book your Food Waste Depackaging meeting now!

Marie-Philippe Benoit, Sales Manager at Drycake™ is from Canada and will be in London (South of England) for two weeks week commencing Monday, May 9, and Manchester (the North) for the week commencing May 23.

How to Book Your Meeting:

Email Marie
with your
Agree time and
Venue (Kensington-
Hotel) London, or
Manchester (Central),
or suggest venue.
Meet up

Drycake, is new to the UK and on a fact-finding mission to better understand the UK market for their Twister Depacker and Separator range. The mission is the outcome of the recent receipt of their European Patent.

They offer separation process solutions, that can help companies to:

  • reduce costs of organic pre and post digester treatment including reducing energy consumed by the reprocessing plant at reprocessing facilities MRFs and ERFs etc.
  • produce an ideal biogas feed pulp by separating packaging from food or other organic material
  • produce clean rejects for onward recyclate sales as valuable products
  • save on organic waste disposal costs
  • promote the circular economy while also raising the company’s green credentials
  • pre-process in-house generated organic waste into an output of anaerobic-digestion-ready organic pulp
  • process food biomass for renewable power production, plus output recyclable plastic/ reject waste streams.

She would like to meet with those involved in recycling and processing food and municipal waste who are:

  • interested in purchasing depackaging equipment for their in-house generated organic waste, especially within the food processing, hospitality, and commercial sectors, especially those seeking to raise the value of their organic waste on-site/to reduce disposal costs
  • mainstream waste management companies in the municipal commercial and industrial waste sectors with a need to improve their organic waste processing
  • local authority officers considering the provision of additional household waste collection services by 2023 and the provision of all the additional organic waste processing that the new government target for separate food waste collection in England implies
  • biogas plant operators in the farming/agricultural sector, considering accepting food waste for the first time, to meet the additional household food waste processing demand anticipated post-2023
  • composting plant operators considering acceptance of food waste, and those already accepting food waste seeking improved compost quality with reduced or minimal plastics content to comply with PAS110 requirements, or better, for commercial compost sales into the retail sector as garden compost
  • designers seeking assistance in selecting depackaging and separation machinery
  • unpacking out-of-specification food processing factory goods including dry foods such as biscuits destined for reprocessing for animal feed
  • any existing operator of organic waste processing equipment interested in improving their equipment.

Image text: "Meet Food Waste Depackager Drycake for depackaging solutions".

She is especially interested in finding out:

  • specific UK industry problems with regard to the supply of recyclates to plastics re-processors and for energy recovery as RDF/SRF.

She is keen to note that some Drycake customers are already successfully adding their equipment to existing depackaging equipment installations driven by the need to improve recyclate purity.

So, if you are interested in helping her understand the needs of your company, and the UK organics recycling market, reach out to me here, via Linked-in to Marie at or via

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