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biogas power plants

New AD Plant Starts 2023

New Anaerobic Digestion Plant: Starts, Opens or Commissioned in 2023

In this article, we describe some of the new Anaerobic Digestion Plant (AD) project starts, openings or plants process commissioned so far in 2023. However, overall the number of new AD plants starting to produce biogas is disappointingly low for such a promising technology. The anaerobic digestion of solid waste can only play its part […]

IMAGE TEXT: "Biogas Power for Low CO2 Emissions".

Biogas Power for Low CO2 Emissions & Carbon Negative Electricity

The use of biogas power for renewable low carbon dioxide emissions and, with carbon capture, the ability to provide carbon-negative electricity is unique and growing. In general, the cost of biogas power is slightly higher than the cost of generating electricity from wind or utility-scale solar PV but this is more than offset by the […]

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