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GasMix System

Image text: "Landia Digester Mixers Still Brilliant After 10 years use".

Landia Digester Tank Mixers Still Brilliant 8 Years On

Digester Tank Mixers installed by Landia really do matter says Eco because the output of methane and even the stability of the anaerobic digestion process are dependent on the effective mixing of the digester contents. Scum and froth are minimised and gas output is maximised by the use of an efficient mixing process. In addition, […]

Image tyext: "Landia GasMix is Cory Landfill Site digester".

Landia’s GasMix System Installed at Cory’s First Anaerobic Digestion Plant

Landia’s acclaimed GasMix System is at the heart of the biogas making process using anaerobic-digestion, at Cory Environmental. Cory, with over 40 sites are one of the UK’s leading recycling, waste management and energy recovery companies. In March 2014, Cory unveiled its first anaerobic digestion facility. it produces renewable energy to power local homes. Cory’s […]

Image shows text: "Digester Mixing Theory Landia Gasmix Review".

Digester Mixing Theory And Landia GasMix Review

Read on for our discussion of CSTR Digester Mixing Theory and our Landia GasMix Review. Manufacturers that offer anaerobic digestion plant mixing systems will tell you that operators that seek better biogas plant efficiency and have digesters that lack mixing, can generally improve their biogas yield by adding a stirring and mixing system. Even those […]

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