anaerobic digestion plant

Dairy Farm Biogas Production-process with Advert.

Introduction to the Dairy Farm Biogas Production Process

The dairy farm biogas production process begins with the collection of manure and other organic materials from the farm. The organic materials are then mixed with water and degraded by bacteria to create biogas. The biogas is then pressurized, cleaned and purified to grid quality and used to power facilities on the farm. That in […]

Featured image for our article about Food Waste AD.

Food Waste AD – The Anaerobic Digestion of Inedible Food for Energy and Natural Fertiliser

Food Waste AD is the short way to refer to the anaerobic digestion of food waste. In other words, extracting energy from inedible food provides renewable energy and natural fertiliser while diverting environmentally damaging waste away from landfills. That encapsulates the core philosophy of the movement towards food waste AD. “It’s a crying same that […]

Buried masonry biogas digester tank during construction.

Biogas GCSE – BBC Bitesize Teaching and Course Content Queries

Anaerobic Decay, Methane Gas and Biogas Generators are all topics students learn in the UK Biogas GCSE student curriculum. Here they are discussed from the point of view of a UK biogas expert. Parents: Did you know that biogas GSCE content is being taught in UK schools?  Yes, it is. It is good news that […]

Thumbnail says "Biogas Information Featured Image"

Biogas Information – (Biogas-Info) – The “Official” UK Anaerobic Digestion Information Portal

The Biogas Info website was created in 2009 as an independent authoritative resource on all things AD. The creation of the site was supported byte UK Government and industry. The site was developed and is maintained by NNFCC. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the breakdown of organic material by micro-organisms in the absence of oxygen. AD […]

Image text: "Biogas in South Korea".

Biogas in South Korea

The prospect for Biogas in South Korea is looking up! Since President Moon Jae-in took office, the prospects for anaerobic digestion in South Korea have increased. The government has been making strenuous efforts to attain autonomy in the electricity and heat sectors, as well as to considerably expand the percentage of renewable energies. Increasing the […]

Image text: "Landia Biogas Reactor Mixing System Update".

Landia GasMix Biogas Reactor Mixing System – Awards Update

Here is an update to the Press Release we published about the Landia GasMix Biogas Reactor Mixing System award back in 2016. We are pleased to inform you that Landia received two “Highly Commended” Honours on its first attempt at the prestigious UK AD & Biogas Industry Awards of that year. Landia the creators of […]

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