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biogas yield

Image with the text: "Biogas Yield up 15 to 25 percent after retrofit of landia mixers."

Biogas Yield Up 15-25% After Mixer Retrofit at Biosciences Institute

The good news is that at a Northern Ireland digester site, the biogas yield is up 15-25%, depending on feedstock type, after Biosciences Institute (AFBI) implemented an innovative approach to digester tank mixing. In a world where sustainable energy solutions are more crucial than ever, Northern Ireland’s Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) stands at the […]

Image with text: "Biogas yield from sewage increases".

Biogas Yield from Sewage Sludge Increases Up To 30% in Existing AD Plants

Today we are delighted to report the good news that water utility companies in the UK are achieving a significantly improved biogas yield from sewage sludge, with increases of up To 30% in their existing AD Plants, through improved reliability and simple upgrades to their main reactor tank mixing equipment. [boomdevs_toc] Now read our case […]

Image with text: "Better Biogas Production from WWTW Thickened Sludge".

Better Biogas Production from Wastewater Treatment Works Thickened Sludge

Biogas production improvements that raise the yield of methane from any given quantity of biomass fed into an anaerobic digestion plant are the holy grail of AD. The one thing which, above all else, was holding back the development of anaerobic digestion was the current level of profitability which until the steep energy price rises […]

Buried masonry biogas digester tank during construction.

Biogas GCSE – BBC Bitesize Teaching and Course Content Queries

Anaerobic Decay, Methane Gas and Biogas Generators are all topics students learn in the UK Biogas GCSE student curriculum. Here they are discussed from the point of view of a UK biogas expert. Parents: Did you know that biogas GSCE content is being taught in UK schools?  Yes, it is. It is good news that […]

Image text: "Biogas Yield Record High at Nigg WwTW".

Biogas Yield at Record High for Wastewater Sludge Digestion at Nigg WwTW

We are pleased to report that the biogas yield per tonne of sludge is once again at a record high for Wastewater Sludge Digestion at Nigg WwTW. Find out how this has been achieved in the Press Release below: Press Release: New biogas production landmark for Scottish Water’s acclaimed sludge facility at Nigg If we […]

Image shows text: "Digester Mixing Theory Landia Gasmix Review".

Digester Mixing Theory And Landia GasMix Review

Read on for our discussion of CSTR Digester Mixing Theory and our Landia GasMix Review. Manufacturers that offer anaerobic digestion plant mixing systems will tell you that operators that seek better biogas plant efficiency and have digesters that lack mixing, can generally improve their biogas yield by adding a stirring and mixing system. Even those […]

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