Food Waste
Food Waste Recycling Machine Raises Purity of Biogas Feed to a New Level
The modern Food Waste Recycling Machine is a new and innovative way to recycle food waste and to produce a pretreated biogas substrate. The machine can depackage food waste, separating it from other waste products. This makes it easier to recycle food waste and reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfill. The demand […]
Bio Thermic Digester (BTD) Gains Acceptance And May Become Major Competitor To Anaerobic Digestion
Bio Thermic Digester (BTD) is the term for an innovative type of industrial-scale biological high temperature-digester which uses Aerobic Extremophilic Bacteria to achieve a remarkably high level of mass reduction and has been launched by waste treatment specialist Advetec. The technology is understood to be capable of rapidly processing significantly high volumes of organic municipal waste, […]