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Design and Construction

An engineer inspecting an anaerobic digester cover in a biogas facility.

Use Innovative Anaerobic Digester Covers to Maximize Biogas Production

Maximising biogas production often challenges anaerobic digestion plant designers and digester owners. Anaerobic digester covers are critical for capturing valuable biogas, a flammable gas with immense potential for energy production. This blog outlines innovative cover options that enhance methane production, odour control, and overall efficiency of digesters. Discover how to turn organic waste into sustainable […]

On-farm Biogas Liquefaction Article Thumbnail image.

On-Farm Biogas Liquefaction: A Game Changer for Small-Scale AD Plants?

Is it possible that a new French biogas liquefaction technology might prove to be a game changer for small-scale AD plants? Read on to find out more. The burgeoning biogas industry holds immense potential for renewable energy generation and waste management, particularly in the agricultural sector. However, it can be hard for small-scale and medium-sized […]

Image text: "Considerations when Building Steel Retaining Walls".

Building Steel Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls at Biogas Plants

As more biogas plants are constructed, the idea of constructing steel-reinforced concrete retaining walls is becoming more crucial. Space can be minimal, especially when AD plant owners decide to add additional digester tanks to existing tank farms. Using a retaining wall is often the only way in which AD plants can be squeezed onto the […]

Image with text: "Digester Remediation Blame Game Must Stop for Failing Biogas Plants."

Digester Remediation: Blame Game Must Stop for Failing Farm Biogas Plants

Remediating digesters when commissioning new plants fails, is becoming a crisis in which disputes over liability are all too common. In this article, we have to report a lack of willingness among some suppliers to sort out teething problems that are in danger of leading the whole industry into disrepute. Ladies and Gentlemen, Farmers, and […]

Featured image with text: "Dry Anaerobic Digestion UK" (new type of digesters) may soon be coming to the United Kingdom.

UK Dry Anaerobic Digestion May Soon Come to England – GMCA to Support New AD System

Introduction to a Groundbreaking Initiative! The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Waste and Recycling Committee has recently taken a bold step towards adopting an alternative anaerobic digestion process technology that could extend the biowaste management sector in England to many dry organic wastes not hitherto considered useful for energy production. With approval to commission the […]

Image with the text: "Digester Mixers by Landia Raise Biogas Production While Revamping a Troublesome AD Plant".

Digester Mixers by Landia Raise Biogas Production While Revamping a Troublesome AD Plant

Once again digester mixers installed by Landia have turned out to be a crucial component for success when taming a troublesome AD facility. Let’s have a natter about a proper success story. I’m talking about Eco Verde Energy’s (EVE) revamp at their Anaerobic Digestion (AD)+ plant in Holton, Suffolk. Now, this isn’t just any old […]

Featured image text: "R&D Tax Credits UK Biogas".

Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credits for UK Biogas Plant Operators – Are You Claiming Yours?

According to many tax experts, the UK AD industry frequently misses out on R&D tax credits that are available to UK biogas plant operators and which go unclaimed. Are you sure that your business is claiming all the R&D tax credits to which you are entitled? No two biogas plants are ever built quite the […]

Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SSAD) Featured Image.a

Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SSAD): Turning Waste into Biogas

Solid State Anaerobic Digestion (SSAD) is a cutting-edge technology that is revolutionizing the way we think about waste management and renewable energy production. In this introductory section, we will delve into the world of SSAD, shed light on its significance, and explore how recent engineering advances have transformed the landscape of anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion […]

Used Methane Scrubbing towers for Sale Banner Ad.

Secondhand Methane Stripping Towers for Sale – Limited Time Offer on Packed Towers, Tower Scrubbers

Read on for information about our exclusive limited-time offer of 5 secondhand ex-methane stripping towers, currently excess to requirements which could provide a versatile and cost-effective solution to gas treatment at biogas plants. Are you seeking an efficient and cost-effective solution for gas treatment in your operations? If so these stripping units, also ready for […]

Featured image text: "What does a pipeline maintenance service contractor do?"

What Does A Pipeline Maintenance Service Provider Do for Biomethane Injectors?

We decided it was time to write about what a specialist pipeline maintenance service provider can do for AD plant owners and operators that inject pressurized renewable natural gas (RNG) into the gas grid, with so many new biogas plants producing upgraded biomethane injected into the gas grid. This article goes back to the basic […]

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