Design and Construction

Image text: "Metal Fabrication: The Basics of Precision Machining".

Metal Fabrication: The Basics of Precision Machining Essential to the AD Industry

Stay with us while we look at metal fabrication as a fundamental technology, one of the basics of precision machining and also essential to the AD Industry. This is one of our occasional articles in which we look at the basic foundations of current technology. Without modern metal fabrication techniques such as metal stamping services […]

Image text: "Climate Cahnge Adaptation for the Biogas Industry".

Adapt or Die – Climate Change Adaptation for the Biogas Industry

Adapt or Die is all about Climate Change Adaptation and it will be an essential part of government and business strategy across all industries including for anaerobic digestion and for the biogas industry. In all the discussions about climate change around COP26 what seems to have been forgotten is that our climate is changing and […]

Image is an example of a Stallkamp large stainless steel tank for wastewater treatment.

Large Stainless Steel Tanks with Long Design Life for Wastewater Treatment

We were impressed to read the Press Release which is included below, about a German company (Stallkamp) that provides large stainless steel tanks with one of the longest design-life expectancies on the market, for Wastewater Treatment. As wastewater treatment and AD systems designers in the past, we have at times found it practically impossible to […]

Image text: "High Rate Anaerobic Digestion".

High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant Treats Wastewater Effluent Streams

By definition, a High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant can effectively handle high-strength wastewater effluent streams, such as sewage sludge. To be high rate it needs to be able to provide the necessary reactions at a higher rate than traditional biogas process plant which need a 30 day retention period or longer. Back in 2017, we […]

Image text: "Biogas digester tank mixer high methane output chosen for Taiwan AD Plant".

Biogas Digester Tank Mixer Chosen for High Methane Output at New Taiwan AD Plant

The biogas digester tank mixer which has been chosen for its high methane output at a new Taiwan AD Plant is the Landia GasMix. This best-in-class efficiency is already reported, in the Press Release below, to be providing, not only: the hoped-for sustainable biogas energy, but other notable spin-offs in reduced polluting manure discharges and […]

Image text: "Conveyor belts for the food industry".

Using Conveyor Belts for the Food Industry

Find out about conveyor belts for the food industry, and you’ll know more about applying the same technology in the biowaste and food waste anaerobic digestion industry as well. That’s what we thought when we decided to blog about food industry conveyors. Read on and see what you think about these belts, and your comments […]

Image text: "Tanks for Anaerobic Digestion".

Digester Tankage

Today, we discuss the topic of digester tankage, otherwise known as anaerobic digestion tanks. Small Home/ Domestic Biogas Digester Tankage In this article, we start at the smallest scale of anaerobic digestion plant tankage, those being for single houses up to community-scale AD plants. Although time-honoured designs of buried AD plants, constructed in masonry, remain […]

Image text: "Concrete vs steel biogas tanks".

Concrete vs Steel Biogas Tanks for Anaerobic Digestion Plants

Concrete vs steel biogas tanks and which is the best material for Anaerobic Digestion Plants is the subject of this page, based on a Press Release provided by the precast concrete manufacturer Whites Concrete. We refer to precast concrete units made and cured in the factory versus steel biogas tanks fabricated from mild steel panels […]

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