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Anaerobic Digestion

The image depicts a blooming Opuntia Prickly Pear Cactus in a semi-arid desert landscape.

Opuntia Prickly Pear Cactus: A Promising Energy Crop for Biogas Production in Semi-Arid Areas

Finding renewable energy sources for dry, challenging climates can be tough. Did you know the Opuntia Prickly Pear Cactus holds promise as an innovative biofuel producer? This blog will explore how this resilient plant could transform biogas production in semi-arid regions. Keep reading to uncover a desert treasure turning waste into energy! Key Takeaways Potential […]

10 Anaerobic Digestion Facts featured image.

10 Facts About Anaerobic Digestion: Unlocking the Power of Waste

Read on for our list of 10 true facts about anaerobic digestion and transforming trash into treasure. We “air” a topic about a process that surprisingly doesn’t need air (oxygen); in fact, the truly anaerobic microorganisms that do the work die if exposed to air! and would be just as happy on the moon. Imagine […]

Is Biogas Renewable featured image.

Is Biogas Renewable? Unveiling The Truth Behind Its Sustainability

Many people ask, is biogas renewable? It is mostly methane (a severe greenhouse gas) and when it is burned, it creates carbon dioxide (the gas we are told is the main culprit behind climate change!). So, isn’t the truth behind its sustainability that the whole idea of renewable biogas is pure greenwash? Read on to […]

A featured image shows how the anaerobic digestion process works.

How Does Anaerobic Digestion Work? A Comprehensive Guide to the Process

How Does Anaerobic Digestion Work? A thorough overview of the process that makes biogas Imagine that you are at home among the day’s leftovers and garden trimmings. You might think this is just waste, but what if I told you that these scraps could be transformed into energy? That’s where anaerobic digestion comes into play. […]

Image with text: "Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion."

6 Challenges And Benefits Of Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion: A Comprehensive Review

Dive into the world of food waste anaerobic digestion and learn how it tackles this pressing waste problem while powering our world in a greener way. Read more now! Food waste isn’t just messy; it’s a growing environmental headache and a squander of resources that hits us all in the pocket. Managing this mountain of leftovers has […]

Featured image with text: "Dry Anaerobic Digestion UK" (new type of digesters) may soon be coming to the United Kingdom.

UK Dry Anaerobic Digestion May Soon Come to England – GMCA to Support New AD System

Introduction to a Groundbreaking Initiative! The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) Waste and Recycling Committee has recently taken a bold step towards adopting an alternative anaerobic digestion process technology that could extend the biowaste management sector in England to many dry organic wastes not hitherto considered useful for energy production. With approval to commission the […]

Image with the text: "Digester Mixers by Landia Raise Biogas Production While Revamping a Troublesome AD Plant".

Digester Mixers by Landia Raise Biogas Production While Revamping a Troublesome AD Plant

Once again digester mixers installed by Landia have turned out to be a crucial component for success when taming a troublesome AD facility. Let’s have a natter about a proper success story. I’m talking about Eco Verde Energy’s (EVE) revamp at their Anaerobic Digestion (AD)+ plant in Holton, Suffolk. Now, this isn’t just any old […]

Image with the text: "Finding feedstock for anaerobic digestion plants".

Finding the Right Feedstock for Anaerobic Digestion Plants

The Challenge of Securing Adequate Feedstock for AD Plants to Secure Initial Capital Funding and During Operation Anaerobic digestion (AD) plants plays a crucial role in the renewable energy landscape, producing biogas through the digestion of organic waste feedstock. However, one of the major challenges in developing and sustaining AD facilities is finding the right […]

Image text: "Biogas and Biomethane in 2024 - Future Trends and Predictions".

Biogas and Biomethane in 2024: Future Trends & Predictions for the UK’s Anaerobic Digestion Industry

In this article, we look ahead to likely developments in UK biogas and biomethane in 2024 to give you our thoughts on the trends likely to develop this year for better, and in some cases, for worse for the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry sector in the United Kingdom. As energy costs remain high and record profits […]

Food waste outside homes with recycling bins, scavenged by birds and animals, highlighting environmental impact.

Separate Food Waste Collections Mandatory in England by 2026

It might seem obvious that it’s way beyond the time for English local authorities to implement separate food waste collections (SFWCs). Wales and Scotland have been doing it successfully for 7 years. Now, at last, weekly SFWCs are set to become a legal requirement for all English LAs by 2026. The government’s implementation of food waste […]

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