UK AD industry
25 Years of UK Biogas History 2025 – The Rise of the AD Industry Over a Quarter of a Century
“UK Biogas History” or the UK anaerobic digestion and biogas production industry to give it a fuller title has been developed from almost nothing over the years since 2000. In this article, we cover the last quarter of a century of the UK Industry’s history and recent developments at the beginning of 2025. Key Points […]
UK Anaerobic Digestion Plants Exceed 100 And Hit Trouble: Looking Back
In this article, we will look back at our March 2013 article when UK Anaerobic Digestion Plants exceeded 100 and were receiving damaging media attention due to novice operators causing some high-profile environmental problems. So, we reported that they were “hitting trouble”. The fact is that now (in 2023), with the benefit of hindsight, we […]
What was the RHI? The UK Renewable Heat Incentive that Closed in 2022
So, what was the RHI? “RHI UK” is shorthand for Renewable Heat Incentive, a government subsidy that closed in 2022. The UK’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI UK) was introduced to help kick-start the transition to low-carbon heating in the UK, giving help to all in moving from conventional forms of heating to low-carbon alternatives. Although […]
Biogas Future Prospects – Rapid Growth and Insatiable Demand
Biogas’ future prospects have never looked better. As they enter a period of rapid growth propelled by world events, there is an Insatiable demand for biogas. That is the “perfect storm” in prospect for anaerobic digestion technology because there is also an ever-increasing demand for reducing GHG emissions and RNG (biomethane) for transport use. So, […]