Anaerobic Digestion

Image text: "aste Autoclave pretreatment with Anaerobic Digestion".

Waste Autoclave Pretreatment with Anaerobic Digestion for Household Waste

Waste Autoclave pretreatment of residual household waste, and food waste, for all its undoubted advantages in increased biogas yield from the organic fraction, during subsequent anaerobic digestion, has met with a difficult period. The process now has a poor reputation for safety. Since we originally posted our article on this subject in May 2012, the […]

Featured image with text: "Anaerobic Digestion in the US: 6 Incentives".

Anaerobic Digestion in the US: 6 Federal and State Incentives and Funding

The use of biogas as an energy source is on the rise in the United States, due to both federal and state incentives and funding initiatives. Biogas is a renewable energy source produced from the decomposition of organic matter, such as food waste, manure, and other organic materials. In this blog article, we will explore […]

Anaerobic digestion of whey - Featured Image

Anaerobic Digestion of Whey – The Proven Biogas Technology Solution

Disposing of unwanted whey from commercial dairies, was once a considerable problem. But, that was before recent developments in the anaerobic digestion of whey and biogas plant technology. Instead of a problem whey which is not for any reason suitable for food production has become an asset. During the anaerobic digestion process microorganisms break down […]

Image has text: "Food Waste Recycling Machine Raises Purity to new level."

Food Waste Recycling Machine Raises Purity of Biogas Feed to a New Level

The modern Food Waste Recycling Machine is a new and innovative way to recycle food waste and to produce a pretreated biogas substrate. The machine can depackage food waste, separating it from other waste products. This makes it easier to recycle food waste and reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfill. The demand […]

Featured image: "Small Scale Anaerobic Digestion Contracts for Difference (CfDs) requested by ADBA."

Call for AD Contracts for Difference (CfD) Scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy

On the day that the UK didn’t leave Europe, the trade association ADBA called for a Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy including biogas. (Not sure you understand what CfDs are? If so, scroll down to our explanation below!) Why choose a day when, amongst the Brexit furor, almost nobody would be […]

Low Cost Faecal Sludge Management by Anaerobic Digestion Co-disposal

Low Cost Faecal Sludge Management by Anaerobic Digestion Co-Disposal

Before discussing low-cost faecal sludge management and the role of Anaerobic Digestion Co-Disposal, let’s start by defining faecal sludge (also spelled “fecal”). What is Faecal Sludge Management? Thankfully, that’s easy. Wikipedia tells us: Fecal sludge management (FSM) (or faecal sludge management in British English) is the collection, transport, and treatment of fecal sludge from pit […]

Image text: "Net Zero and 2050 Climate Change Reduction Target".

CCC Net Zero & 2050 Climate Change Reduction is Too Late!

The CCC Net Zero Reporting update of 2022 is a major step towards the 2050 Climate Change Reduction Target. It is important to have anaerobic digestion as a part of the national effort in order to achieve the required level of GHG reduction. But, the target is too slow and unlikely even if achieved to […]

Six Reasons Anaerobic Digesters Are Not Green

Six Reasons Anaerobic Digesters Are Not Green – Let’s be Honest

Anaerobic digestion systems doubters have published articles in which they claim 6 scientific reasons that they say show that Anaerobic Digesters are not “green”. Let’s be honest, if true, it would mean all those advocating the development of anaerobic digestion, with its biogas and other beneficial outputs, should think again. In this article, we admit […]

Off-Site Anaerobic Digesters - No. 1 for Hotel Food Waste Disposal

Hotel Food Waste Disposal – Off-Site Anaerobic Digesters No. 1 Choice

In this article, we make the case for off-site anaerobic digesters as the most sustainable option for Hotel Food Waste disposal. The hotel industry is a critical part of the economy of many nations and its sustainability is critical to its future. Even as long ago as 2008, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) […]

Biogas Plant for Sale article thumbnail image

Anaerobic Digester for Sale

Looking for an anaerobic digester for sale? Can we help you find your best biogas digester plant? We have been writing about anaerobic digestion and biogas production for the last 15 years on this website. So, we know a bit about the different models of these plants that are available in different sizes, and for […]

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