Anaerobic Digestion

Image shows a new biogas advance in Romania. A pasteurizer made by Landia.

Landia Pasteurizers for ABP Pathogen Free Fertilizers & Soil Improvers

Are you a biogas plant operator accepting ABP waste and concerned about the spread of diseases through conventional fertilizers and soil improvers? Here’s a fact: Landia’s pasteurisers can create Animal By-products Regulations (ABP) – compliant pathogen-risk-free product outputs. This blog will offer insights into how these devices deactivate harmful organisms to ensure safe, high-quality soil improver and fertiliser products. […]

Anaerobic- digestion vs composting: Making a Comparison

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Anaerobic Digestion vs Composting

What are the advantages and disadvantages of anaerobic digestion vs composting is a question asked by a large number of people. Many of our readers who are familiar with composting, but who are thinking more widely about the subject of recycling organic waste and have just heard about Anaerobic Digestion want to know the anaerobic […]

Image illustrates the question of what are the costs of anaerobic digestion.

Costs of Anaerobic Digestion – Capital Cost per Cow Plus Electricity and Gate Fee Income

The Costs of Anaerobic Digestion are of course what everyone thinking of embarking upon a biogas project wants to know. At the same time very few AD Plant owners and contractors give out their costs to a general audience. Finding costs and income data is rare. That’s understandable due to the commercially sensitive nature of […]

Featured imnage with the text: "Comparing Substrate Feed Systems".

Comparing Substrate Feed Systems for Biogas Plants: WANGEN PUMPEN BIO-MIX & Progressive Cavity Pumps vs. Other Systems

Efficient and cost-effective substrate feed systems are essential for biogas plants to maximize their operations, so we thought that we would compare the substrate feed systems for Biogas Plants. In this article, we conduct a detailed comparison between BIO-MIX technology using WANGEN PUMPEN Progressive Cavity Pumps with the other systems currently offered.   Introduction The […]

Featured image: "UK AD Industry expresses disappointment with lack of progress on Climate Change Measures".

UK Anaerobic Digestion Industry Expresses Disappointment Over Government’s Climate Change Progress

The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) has again voiced its disappointment with the UK government’s lack of leadership and commitment to anaerobic digestion (AD), following the release of the Climate Change Committee’s latest progress report. The ADBA emphasizes that AD has the potential to significantly reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, support the achievement […]

Anaerobic Digestion in South Africa illustrated by image showing a biogas plant.

Anaerobic Digestion in South Africa – Biogas an Untapped Renewable Resource

The adoption of Anaerobic Digestion in South Africa is at an early stage in what will be a large and productive local industry if developed to even a small proportion of its full potential. For anyone familiar with the country it must be undeniable that they have large untapped renewable resources in all forms of […]

Featured image with text that says: "Brewery Waste Management: A Review of WASE’s IndustriWASE Treatment Tech".

Brewery Waste Management: A Review of WASE’s IndustriWASE Treatment Technology

Brewery Waste Management is a vital subject for the brewing industry. With wastewater treatment and disposal with energy now accounting for approximately 8% of expenditures for UK breweries, brewers must choose between constricted margins, passing costs on to customers, or both. Drink production in breweries, wineries, and distilleries presents special water and wastewater treatment issues. […]

Featured image with text: "Biogas Mixers: New Digester Mixing System Makes More Gas for EVE!"

Biogas Mixers – New Digester Mixing System Makes More Gas for EVE

Are you tired of struggling with outdated and inefficient biogas mixers/anaerobic digester mixing in your biogas plant? Imagine a solution that not only boosts your yields but also pretty much eliminates the headaches of repairs and downtime. Look no further, because Eco Verde Energy (EVE), a leading green energy services provider, has found the key […]

Image shows a man identifying the Borger salmon crusher.

Salmon Waste Management: The Borger MultiCrusher™ Salmon Crusher

The efficiency of salmon waste management is now improved by the installation of a Borger waste salmon “Multicrusher”. Situated in the midst of the Scottish Islands salmon fishery industry the efficiency and reliability of Borger’s equipment is vital to guarantee the correct shredding of waste salmon to meet environmental and food health security regulations. By […]

Food Waste in Wales: We are world class recyclers.

Food Waste in Wales: Top World Recycler Accolade for the Welsh

The story of food waste in Wales in recent years has become an inspiration to many in the waste industry in general and the biogas industry in particular. It is so good that the nation that has been described as “hating waste”, has become a world leader for its high rate of organic recycling, ranking […]

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