
Featured Image text: "EU Biomethane Boost to Gas Use".

EU Biomethane Boost – 8% of Gas Supply Should Be Biomethane by 2030 – 2021 Policy Paper Said

The biomethane boost from EU governments is due to be much larger than we described in our first report in January 2012, when we said: What will not be easy to obtain agreement on is the fact that, in their own words; “UE biomethane and green hydrogen, require additional incentives compared to the incentives required […]

Image illustrates the article about Renewable Propane

Is Propane Renewable? Exploring the Potential of Renewable Propane as an Alternative Fuel Source

Is Propane Renewable? Not normally but there is now Renewable Propane and in this article, we investigate its future as a fuel option. Ever wondered if propane, the fuel you use for your barbecue grill or RV, could actually be renewable? Propane is a potent energy source and, interestingly, can indeed come from renewable origins. This […]

Thumbnail image with text: "Biomethane Development Ireland".

Biomethane Development in Ireland Autumn 2023 Bright Future

In this article, we report on Biomethane Development in Ireland the story of the growth of Ireland’s biomethane industry as reported in several business and media announcements, as of the autumn of 2023. As an EU member nation Ireland’s bioenergy sector, including the Anaerobic Digestion industry, will participate in the “REPowerEU Strategy“. The new EU-wide […]

Bio LNG Production: Featured Image with text: "A Guide to Bio Liquified Natural Gas Manufacture".

Bio LNG Production: A Guide to Bio Liquified Natural Gas Manufacture

Welcome to our blog about Bio LNG Production, this being our guide to Bio-Liquified Natural Gas manufacturing using the Anaerobic Digestion Process.   Is your business dealing with organic waste and looking for sustainable ways to convert it into valuable energy? You might find the answer in Bio-LNG, a renewable fuel derived from the anaerobic digestion (AD) of organic waste. […]

Featured image text biogas stoves

Gas Stove Burner for Biogas and Methane Cooking

An in-depth article about biogas stoves covers everything from small-scale digesters to home cooking which, in India, is also known as “gobar gas”. So, read on for information on biogas stoves: On This Page What is a Biogas Stove? Stoves for Small Scale and Home Biogas Potential Improvements From Biogas Stoves Domestic Appliances Running on Biogas […]

Image has the text: "Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages".

Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages vs Biogas

We did find one advantage of shale gas when considering oil shale gas advantages and disadvantages vs biogas! So, welcome to the great debate between oil shale gas, and biogas. As someone who has studied many difficult comparisons, I understand that every scenario has advantages and disadvantages. It’s no different when it comes to fossil […]

Image text: "Advanced Conversion Technologies Extract Energy from Waste".

Advanced Conversion Technologies Extract Energy from Waste – AD Rivals?

Advanced Conversion Technologies is the term for technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis. These could become competitors with Anaerobic Digestion. In fact, a number of innovative advanced, high-temperature processes for Energy from Waste/ Waste to Energy, are beginning to emerge from the far east. Extracting Energy from Waste Provides a Sustainable Source of Energy Advanced […]

Featured image: "Small Scale Anaerobic Digestion Contracts for Difference (CfDs) requested by ADBA."

Call for AD Contracts for Difference (CfD) Scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy

On the day that the UK didn’t leave Europe, the trade association ADBA called for a Contracts for Difference (CfD) scheme for Small-scale Renewable Energy including biogas. (Not sure you understand what CfDs are? If so, scroll down to our explanation below!) Why choose a day when, amongst the Brexit furor, almost nobody would be […]

Image says: "Biomethane Production in Sweden"

Biomethane Production: Sweden Leads with Schmack Carbotech Plant – Plus One in France

Biomethane Production in Sweden continues to lead in installed biomethane facilities just as it did when we first reported this in 2014. We said at the time that “Sweden’s leading role in bioenergy through biomethane production, with the world’s largest installed biogas upgrading capacity, is set to further pull ahead”. It did and now in 2022, […]

Image text: "Farm Methane Digesters US".

Farm Methane Digesters – What to Know About Cow Power

Farm methane digesters are large tanks, or covered lagoons, where organic materials from the dairy farm are stored and broken down by bacteria and organisms called archaea to make renewable methane gas. These are also known as anaerobic digesters: facilities that harness the power of methane produced by decomposing cow waste and convert it into […]

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