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Image text: "Glass fused to steel tanks".

Glass Fused to Steel Tanks Pros and Cons

Glass Fused to Steel Tanks is the most common tank specification for CSTR biogas digester reactor tanks. In this article, we discuss their pros and cons. Enamel tanks, GFS tanks (GFtS), and Glass Fused Bolted Steel (Porcelain Enameled) tanks are all terms used to describe this type of tank. It is essential that all anaerobic […]

Find out how Zoo Biogas can earn zoos money.

Zoo Biogas – Why Every Zoo Should Have an AD Plant

To produce zoo biogas makes a great deal of sense in a world seeking ways to fight climate change. In fact, any zoo produces a lot of organic waste which is ideal for renewable energy production in a “biodigester” or anaerobic digestion facility. Just visit any of the large animal enclosures at any zoo and […]

Image text: "UK Government low carbon transition plan".

The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan – History Summary and Update

The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan, which operated from 2010 to 2020, is no longer current. It was a white paper explaining how the British economy would be reformed to guarantee the UK: reached its emission reduction targets, secured its future energy sources over the period covered, maximised economic prospects for employment, skills, and investment, […]

home biogas owners consider building solar home-1

Things Home Biogas Plant Owners Consider When Building Solar Powered Homes

While at first glance this article on considerations to make when building solar-powered homes has no bearing upon anaerobic digestion. But it is relevant. In fact, the subject is very relevant. Many home biogas plant operators should consider that they can also gain a hidden extra benefit from solar power. That’s because, in colder climates, […]

Image shows the text: "First IoW Biogas Plant - Update"

First IoW Biogas Plant – Update and Now There Will be Two!

The first Isle of Wight Biogas Plant was in the news in 2015 when Wight Farm Energy and Schmack Biogas combined their international expertise with local knowledge to build and commission the first IoW biogas plant. Now there will be a second Anaerobic Digestion Facility on the UK holiday and sailing Island. Here is our […]

Image text: "Tips When Choosing a Crane Supply Company".

Tips when Choosing a Crane Supply Company

Tips when Choosing a Crane Supply Company: Building construction in the anaerobic digestion and biogas industry requires a lot of labourers and the moving of several materials in many areas. Sometimes, the heaviest materials require lifting for several feet, especially if you’re working with a property that’s several stories high. It’s best if you have […]

Image text: "Custom Canadian Lighting Design".

Why You Need a Custom Canadian Lighting Design Company in Canada

Custom Canadian Lighting Design Company in Canada: When you buy or move into a new home, the lighting that you meet in the home may not be to your taste. The placement and style may not suit your needs; this is mostly since most builders tend to cut corners when it comes to lighting. This […]

Image text: "Anaerobic digestion plant cost for manure management".

Anaerobic Digester Cost – Manure Management Projects On-Farm

How much does an Anaerobic Digester cost to construct, commission and run? That’s the vital question for AD utilisation on manure management projects on farms. If the sum of these costs is known and the price payable for the outputs in energy and biofertiliser available to any farm business they will be able to work […]

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