
Image with text: "ADBA Announces Huge Net Zero Savings."

Net Zero with Huge Net Savings: ADBA Shows Biogas Powering Lower Bills

Biogas industry trade association ADBA has used the UK government treasury’s own model to cost the investment needed to achieve Net Zero in the UK. They have found that net zero cost could be drastically reduced if they stopped ignoring the potential of maximising “green gas” from biogas. In this their latest PR they explain […]

Borger's new OrbitGrinder Star Macerator

New Borger OrbitGrinder Macerator Launched

Introduction to the Börger OrbitGrinder Macerator In the ever-evolving landscape of biogas and wastewater treatment facilities, the efficient processing of solid materials remains a critical challenge for operators and engineers. The introduction of the Börger OrbitGrinder Macerator marks a significant technological advancement in addressing these challenges, offering an innovative solution that combines superior performance with […]

Charlotte Morton WBA Brazil congress 2024

Brazil Biofuels: Developing Brazilian Biogas and Biomethane – WBA Congress 2024 Update

Brazil has enormous potential for biofuels and the nation is embarking on the development of biogas and biomethane as this WBA Congress 2024 press release report explains. In an era where the global energy transition is more crucial than ever, Brazil is emerging as a key player on the international stage. The World Biogas Association […]

UK Green Gas Support Scheme (featured image shows digester and text).

Green Gas Support Scheme Application Window Extended to March 2028 – January 2024 Update:

Update: The Green Gas Support Scheme application window has been extended to 31 March 2028, in an announcement made this week (January 2024). In a strategic move to bolster the UK’s commitment to environmental sustainability and green energy, the Department for Energy Strategy and Net Zero (DESNZ) has officially extended the application deadline for the […]

Used Methane Scrubbing towers for Sale Banner Ad.

Secondhand Methane Stripping Towers for Sale – Limited Time Offer on Packed Towers, Tower Scrubbers

Read on for information about our exclusive limited-time offer of 5 secondhand ex-methane stripping towers, currently excess to requirements which could provide a versatile and cost-effective solution to gas treatment at biogas plants. Are you seeking an efficient and cost-effective solution for gas treatment in your operations? If so these stripping units, also ready for […]

feature Image with text: "Simpler Recycling Collections".

Simpler Recycling Collections by 2026 Announced & All England to Get Separate Food Waste Collections

“Simpler Recycling Collections” by 2026 as announced by Defra, also means that all local authority councils in England will provide householders with separate weekly food waste collections from the kerbside by the end of 2026. On Friday 21 October the UK government put out a Press Release which is of interest to the AD community […]

Failed African biogas-plant workers affected by Biogas Development Aid Contractor and/ or administrative shortcomings.

The Dark Side of Biogas Development Aid in Africa: A Call for Transparency

A number of researchers have been highlighting a dark side to the continuing use of biogas development aid in Africa. That lies in literally hundreds of unseen unreported failures of international development agency-funded biogas projects in Africa. But, the problem is far from limited to Africa and is happening in many other developing nations as […]

Image with the text: "UK Emissions Trading Scheme Fails".

UK Emissions Trading Scheme Fails to Provide Clear Path for Biogas and Biomethane: Biogas Potential Ignored

In the continuously evolving landscape of renewable energy and emissions control, the UK Government’s response to the consultation on the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK-ETS) throws into sharp relief the stark reality of policy disconnect with the globally burgeoning biogas sector. The Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA) has been left hanging by a thread […]

Featured Image with text: "US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program Biogas Support".

US Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program Biogas Industry Support Welcomed

Strong US Government support for Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Technologies has now been confirmed within the “Renewable Fuel Standard Program”. According to the US EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standard Program (RFS), anaerobic digestion and biogas technologies provide a type of advanced biofuel that is produced from organic waste. These technologies have the ability to produce energy, […]