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List of Anaerobic Digestion Training Course Providers

The demand for Anaerobic Digestion Training is growing as the number of commercial anaerobic digestion plants increases. In this article, we provide a list of some of the courses in biogas plants and their operation currently being offered.

We are sure there must be many more. If when you read this, you know of more, our visitors are welcome to comment by adding additional courses. That way this article can become a more comprehensive resource.

The biogas industry course requirements are no different from other sectors, and the duration and content of the courses needed vary according to the role of each employee. Some will seek a short course that will provide basic knowledge about anaerobic digestion processes and process design.

Others, such as plant operators will seek more in-depth technical training on processing and recovering energy from organic materials, and organic fractions from municipal solid wastes through anaerobic digestion.

Forward-thinking biogas businesses will need to help their staff to build upon skills learnt on the job. Farmers who will be starting to operate a biogas plant for the first will need a course which is designed for them to start with little or no prior knowledge of the science behind successful biogas plant operation.

The organisations which we have included in our list vary in their course provisions. Some offer anaerobic digestion (AD) training for a full range of disciplines such as policymakers, researchers, and existing biogas operators and personnel, while others specialise in one or two skillsets.

Image text: "List of Anaerobic Digestion Training Course Providers".

We recommend visiting the websites of each training organisation listed in order to find out more detail about the courses offered and the availability of each.

List of Anaerobic Digestion Training Course Providers

Government, Trade Association and Commercial Training Providers

1 – AgSTAR (US)

Occasional webinars and other event recordings are provided by AgSTAR via their website.
This US government organisation holds webinars to provide government programme updates as well as to discuss technical difficulties and opportunities linked to biogas recovery. Other industry webinars are also promoted and made available through AgSTAR. Workshops are sometimes recorded and made available online.

2 – The American Biogas Council

The American Biogas Council (ABC) offers a number of educational courses to digester operators, operations managers, owners, and developers.

3 – Marches Biogas (UK)

Marches Biogas provides training in AD biology and preventative maintenance, in addition, they also offer DSEAR and gas safety awareness training.

A customised training programme can be delivered in person or remotely, depending on the needs of the individual client.

For those who are new to AD and would like to learn more, they also provide e-learning options. You can find all the information you need by clicking on the following links: Marches Biogas Training and Marches Biogas e-Learning

4 – IBBK Biogas Online Course

This course is organized by IBBK, which is located in Germany, and will give you an overview of key technical and operational requirements of biogas generation and processing. Digester operation is also included. It seems likely that some of the common operational problems are also included. training courses are offered in German and English.

5 – Aqua Enviro (UK Consultancy owned By SUEZ)

Aqua Enviro provides technical training for the wastewater and bioresource industries. They provide a variety of course delivery choices, including face-to-face at our approved locations, on-site at your location, and “virtual blended learning.”

6 – Indigo Water Group (US)

Before the covid pandemic, they offered a one-day Anaerobic Digestion Training Class. They are located in Littleton, Colorado.

7 – RENAC Online (Germany)

The Certified Renewable Energy Project Developer: Biogas training explains the most significant economic components of renewable energy project design. This online training explains the techniques of various support systems and imparts legal and regulatory framework knowledge.

Participants will learn how to analyse the bankability of renewable energy projects and gain insight into a banker's perspective on risks associated with solar, wind, and biogas projects.

A checklist for the project developer is included in the course to verify that all data required by the bank is ordered and complete. The optional course gives students an inside look into the planning process for a medium to the large-scale biogas plant, from the beginning to the end.

8 – The Anaerobic Digestion & Bioresources Association (ADBA) (UK)

The ADBA's network of professionals offers courses on the most current and important issues in the anaerobic digestion industry. Here are some recent training topics in learning and development events, many of which are held on an annual basis.:

9 – AD Training Club

AD Training Club is an independent website with online courses that are designed to help everyone who wishes to get involved with AD and Biogas. As a Club, they offer the more knowledgeable the opportunity to add their own courses, in partnership with us. Visit the adtraining.club for more information.

University and Agricultural College Courses

Universities and agricultural colleges offer wider degree courses which contain course content units in anaerobic digestion and biogas. We recommend that readers contact their local colleges to find out more. Some colleges may offer shorter courses on AD, and for larger company groups they may offer bespoke in-house training to company staff if contracted to do so.

10 – Cornell University (US)

The Cornell University, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences runs training conferences from time to time. These cover topics in anaerobic digestion facility operation.

11 – Bellingham Technical College (US)

An example of this is Bellingham Technical College in the US. Which is described as providing publicly offered workforce education for lifelong learning and professional development needs.

12 – Washington State University

It appears that Washington State University (WSU) collaborates with Bellingham Technical College (BTC) to create and implement a curriculum that will train and certify technicians for anaerobic digesters in rural areas.

13 – Cranfield University (UK)

Cranfield University's website offers an introductory course to the waste anaerobic digestion process and biogas reactor design. Also included is a technical review of the processing and recovery of energy from organic materials and the organic component of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by anaerobic digestion.

13 – University of Aberdeen (UK, Scotland))

The University of Aberdeen offers a short course in Biological Wastewater Treatment and Anaerobic Digestion: Theory, Design and Practice. Students can join this IChemE-approved online CPD course and study with an expert engineer starting at any time.

Cited Sources:

  1. https://www.epa.gov/agstar/training-resources
  2. https://americanbiogascouncil.org/training/
  3. https://ibbk-biogas.com/training-courses/
  4. https://conferences.aquaenviro.co.uk/training/
  5. https://www.indigowatergroup.com/anaerobic-digestion/
  6. https://www.renac.de/trainings-services/trainings/ready-made-trainings/product/certified-renewable-energy-project-developer-biogas/
  7. https://adbioresources.org/services/#training
  8. https://adtraining.club/
  9. https://cals.cornell.edu/pro-dairy/events-programs/conferences-seminars
  10. https://catalog.btc.edu/
  11. https://csanr.wsu.edu/anaerobic-digestion-technology-certificate-program/program-description/
  12. https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/courses/short/environment/anaerobic-digestion-of-waste
  13. https://on.abdn.ac.uk/courses/biological-wastewater-treatment-and-anaerobic-digestion/
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  1. Reply

    Marches Biogas offer training on all aspects of AD from DSEAR and gas safety awareness to understanding the biology, and preventative maintenance. Training is tailored to the clients requirements and can be delivered in person, or remotely. We also offer e-learning options for those new to AD and would like to learn more about the process. All details can be found in the following link [See training provider 3 above in our list.]

      • radimin
      • June 20, 2022

      Lucy – We added your information (as item 3), including the links that were originally shown here. Thanks for letting us know about your training courses.

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