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Anaerobic Digestion

Image text: "World Biogas Summit and Expo 2022 postponed".

World Biogas Summit and Expo Date Change to June 2022

The organisers of the World Biogas Summit and the co-located World Biogas Expo have been forced by covid concerns to postpone their exhibition and conference from this March to June. Press release 18 January 2022: Global biogas events at NEC Birmingham, UK, postponed from March to June 2022 The World Biogas Summit and co-located World […]

Image text: "Get a Higher Price for Biogas from Waste with RGGOs".

Get a Higher Price for Biogas from Waste with Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs)

Biogas plant owners can now get a higher price for biogas or biomethane made from waste organics (biowaste) than for biogas or biomethane which uses food crops in their feedstock. Argus, one of the world’s top energy and commodity intelligence companies, has just released prices for biomethane guarantees of origin. Biomethane can be used as […]

Anaerobic Digestion in US

Anaerobic Digestion in US – A Large Biogas Opportunity

The development of Anaerobic Digestion in the US states-wide is progressing more rapidly today than at any other time. The nation is beginning to realise that it is sitting on a very large Biogas Plant development and climate change emissions reduction opportunity! That much is undeniable. We set out to find out what the US […]

Image text: "High Rate Anaerobic Digestion".

High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant Treats Wastewater Effluent Streams

By definition, a High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant can effectively handle high-strength wastewater effluent streams, such as sewage sludge. To be high rate it needs to be able to provide the necessary reactions at a higher rate than traditional biogas process plant which need a 30 day retention period or longer. Back in 2017, we […]

Image text: "Biogas in South Korea".

Biogas in South Korea

The prospect for Biogas in South Korea is looking up! Since President Moon Jae-in took office, the prospects for anaerobic digestion in South Korea have increased. The government has been making strenuous efforts to attain autonomy in the electricity and heat sectors, as well as to considerably expand the percentage of renewable energies. Increasing the […]

Image of egg-shaped anaerobic digesters at night.

Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters – Strange Looking Tanks Explained

Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters; Enormous eggs! Whatever next! Have you ever wondered what those huge “strangely other-world like” not quite “spherical” tanks are that you sometimes see? They are anaerobic digestion process digesters, and very useful they are too! They make sewage sludge much more wholesome and in particular, they reduce sludge odour, but best […]

Image text: "The Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Management".

Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Treatment – UASBs EGSBs and Staging

The Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Management Typically, anaerobic digestion (AD) has been used for municipal wastewater sludge treatment, and in the industrial wastewater sector for COD/ BOD reduction as in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB). Only very rarely has it been used to treat industrial effluent the vast majority of which continues […]

Image text: "Biogas Inhibition Tests for Inhibitors Such as High Ammonia".

Biogas Inhibition Tests for Inhibitors Such as High Ammonia in AD Substrates

Quick Biogas Inhibition Tests to identify inhibitors in Biogas Substrates are badly needed by the commercial biogas plant industry. Traditional methods such as the Diary Farmer’s “Aerobic Plate Count” inhibitor test are not directly applicable to anaerobic biogas conditions, so a New Biogas Substrate Inhibition Test Method has been badly needed. Read on to find […]

Featured Image.

Anaerobic Digestion of Manure & Biogas Plant Productivity Doubled In Tests

Here we discuss the Anaerobic Digestion of Manure: The first section is a general informational article, followed by our original article where we explain their 2017 breakthrough in the throughput of manure-fed AD Plants described by the Ductor biogas company using chicken manure. Anaerobic digestion (AD) of dairy manure provides several environmental and economic benefits, […]

Image text: "Anaerobic digestion UK enough to power 1 million homes".

Anaerobic Digestion UK Capacity Enough to Power 1 Million Homes – Future Doubts Continue

It was 2017 when we announced that UK Anaerobic Digestion capacity had grown rapidly to be enough to power 1 million homes. But, we doubted that growth of the industry at the same rate would continue in future years. To be able to power 1 million homes is big! In fact, it’s a very significant […]

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