Anaerobic Digestion
Anaerobic Digestion in Scotland Key to Sustainable Scottish Energy Strategy
Anaerobic Digestion in Scotland is seen by policymakers as being the key to a sustainable Scottish Energy Strategy. 100% renewable energy from the digestion of biodegradable waste helps tackle climate change, instead of contributing to climate change through landfilling and incineration. This energy output helps cut fossil fuel use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are […]
Get a Higher Price for Biogas from Waste with Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs)
Biogas plant owners can now get a higher price for biogas or biomethane made from waste organics (biowaste) than for biogas or biomethane which uses food crops in their feedstock. Argus, one of the world’s top energy and commodity intelligence companies, has just released prices for biomethane guarantees of origin. Biomethane can be used as […]
Biogas in South Korea
The prospect for Biogas in South Korea is looking up! Since President Moon Jae-in took office, the prospects for anaerobic digestion in South Korea have increased. The government has been making strenuous efforts to attain autonomy in the electricity and heat sectors, as well as to considerably expand the percentage of renewable energies. Increasing the […]
Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters – Strange Looking Tanks Explained
Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters; Enormous eggs! Whatever next! Have you ever wondered what those huge “strangely other-world like” not quite “spherical” tanks are that you sometimes see? They are anaerobic digestion process digesters, and very useful they are too! They make sewage sludge much more wholesome and in particular, they reduce sludge odour, but best […]