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Image text: "Biogas and biomethane in France".

Biogas and Biomethane in France – Current Growth and Status

Back in the spring of 2018, we said that biogas and biomethane output was about to grow in France as part of 15 point government plan, and we got that right! France intends to increase the amount of biogas/ biomethane injected into the gas grid from almost nothing in 2017 to more than half of […]

Image Text: "Biomethane Price Now Lower Than Natural Gas".

Biomethane Price Now Lower than Natural Gas by 30% (EBA)

For the first time, the biomethane price is now lower than natural gas by as much as 30%. That’s the news from the European Biogas Association (EBA). In this article, we explain how renewable pure biogas methane known as rCNG (and RNG) has become substantially cheaper than Natural Gas (a fuel extracted from geological deposits) […]

Image text: "Biomethane Gas to Grid to Fuel UK Levelling up Decarbonisation".

Biomethane Gas to Grid to Fuel UK “Levelling-up Agenda” with Decarbonisation Jobs

Earlier this week a Parliamentary Under-Secretary reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to supporting the anaerobic digestion industry in its quest to develop biomethane  “gas to grid” (gas to the nation’s natural gas grid). And to help fuel the UK “Levelling-up Agenda” while also adding to UK decarbonisation required to comply with national targets. Unfortunately, actions speak […]

Image text: "AstraZeneca and Biogas go net zero 2025".

AstraZeneca and Biogas Go Net Zero 2025 – Because Biomethane Tech is Ready To Go!

Yes. AstraZeneca and biogas is the winning technology and using it they are going for Net Zero by 2025. They are using biogas to biomethane upgrade technology, via the anaerobic digestion process, a method of renewable energy production that is well-proven and tested. Future Biogas will get them there without any doubt because they are […]

Image text: "How to make hydrogen from biogas".

How to Make Hydrogen from Biogas – Utilising Biomethane

Here’s an explanation of how to make hydrogen from biogas, in this example by using biomethane. Why Make Hydrogen from Biogas? Hydrogen, together with biomethane, will play an important part in the future energy mix and will be at the core of the sustainable transportation revolution. Fuel cell technology is promised that will convert hydrogen […]

Image text: "UK Scheme to Support Green Gas".

Scheme to Support Green Gas Will Help Build New UK Biomethane Capacity Less than £5 to Annual Energy Bills

We explain how the UK scheme to support Green Gas will help build new UK Biomethane capacity at a cost to citizens of less than £5 to average Annual Energy Bills. It replaces the RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive). Why is the UK Government Supporting Green Gas? The aim of the UK’s Green Gas Support Scheme […]

Image text: "Biogas Compressor Purpose Design and Suppliers".

Biogas Compressor – Purposes, Design and Suppliers

We thought that we would write about the biogas compressor, its purposes within an anaerobic digestion plant. Plus, design requirements and suppliers. Biogas is an environment-friendly energy source. It is a product that is quite new and there is a growing market for the specialized corrosion resistant compressors required. The essential features sought in compressors for […]

Methane Combustion Pledge to Reduce CH4 Emissions

Methane Combustion Pledge to Reduce CH4 Emissions 1/3 by 2030 Praised

What is in effect a methane combustion pledge to reduce massively climate-damaging anthropogenic methane emissions is the excellent news announced on the run-up to the COP26 Climate Change talks in Scotland next month. Why is Methane Combustion Preferred to Methane Emission? Methane combustion with the utilization of heat is preferred to reduce the climate change […]

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