Getting Machine Insurance and Protection for Your Company
Nobody enjoys paying for insurance, let alone machine insurance but it is necessary for business owners to ensure that they are protected in the event of claims for damages to individuals or property. If you own or operate a company that uses machinery, whether it’s a trucking company, a construction company, an agricultural company, or […]
Hydrophilic Jointed “Sealwall” Tanks Better Than Other Precast-Concrete or Steel, Say Whites Concrete
Whites recommend the use of their Liquid Holding Tanks and in particular their Hydrophilic Jointed “Sealwall” Tanks as being better than steel, and even better than other jointing methods. After intensive in-house development, they point out that their Sealwall precast wall unit system is a robust, precast solution for storing water. It has all the […]
Managed Services for Construction Businesses – Outsourcing IT for Biogas EPC Contractors
It’s quite likely that biogas EPC contractors reading this could benefit from engaging managed services for construction businesses. There have been numerous reports in recent years that highlight statistics that show it’s wake-up and catch-up time for construction contractors who as a group in our industry are notoriously slow to make use of “up to […]
Digester Cleaning – Purposes and Services
Digester Cleaning is fast becoming an established business sector within the Anaerobic digestion industry. In the UK half a dozen companies actively market their digester draining and sludge removal service specifically to the AD and biogas sector. Why Clean A Digester? The build-up of grit, sludge, and debris in digester tanks is all too often […]
Why Biogas Industry Operators Should Hire Office Cleaning Companies
The biogas industry should routinely hire office cleaning companies. To put it politely; Anyone visiting biogas plants soon notices the wide difference in cleanliness between sites. There can be no denying that office spaces can rapidly become filthy as operatives work on tipping floors driving machines, using and maintaining equipment, all of the time in […]
Bioenergy Recruiting – The Next Phase in Energy Recruiting
All bioenergy recruiting in common with the anaerobic digestion and biogas/ bioresources industry is finding it increasingly hard to find the right people. This, and other factors, are propelling the industry into a transition into the next phase of outsourced energy recruiting. More and more companies nowadays choose to leave the recruitment process to specialist […]
Glass Fused to Steel Tanks Pros and Cons
Glass Fused to Steel Tanks is the most common tank specification for CSTR biogas digester reactor tanks. In this article, we discuss their pros and cons. Enamel tanks, GFS tanks (GFtS), and Glass Fused Bolted Steel (Porcelain Enameled) tanks are all terms used to describe this type of tank. It is essential that all anaerobic […]