biogas plant

Trumps Impact on Biogas Featured Image

Trump’s Impact On Biogas And Biomethane Development: What It May Mean For Farmers

Farmers across America face tough choices about renewable energy projects on their land as Trump’s impact on biogas begins to take effect. Many worry about Trump’s plans for biogas and biomethane development during his second term in office. The changes in federal support and regulations have left farm owners unsure about investing in methane capture […]

How does a biogas plant work article featured image.

How Does A Biogas Plant Work? Unlocking The Process

The very quick answer to the question of “How Does A Biogas Plant Work?” is “very well – for your organic waste disposal, energy supply and fertilizer needs! But, if you want a more detailed answer read on. Dealing with waste is a growing problem. Food scraps, sewage sludge, and agricultural leftovers often end up […]

Image text: "UK Biogas 21st Century History".

25 Years of UK Biogas History 2025 – The Rise of the AD Industry Over a Quarter of a Century

“UK Biogas History” or the UK anaerobic digestion and biogas production industry to give it a fuller title has been developed from almost nothing over the years since 2000. In this article, we cover the last quarter of a century of the UK Industry’s history and recent developments at the beginning of 2025. Key Points […]

The anaerobic reindeer christmas card, biogas christmas card, IPPTS Associates Christmas card

Seasons Greetings to All Our Visitors and Subscribers

Hi! Seasons Greetings to all who visit our website, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas please also accept our best wishes. We hope this year’s Christmas card (top of page) brings a smile to your face. We also so much hope that reading our articles through 2023 has been enjoyable. Amazingly, we have just realized […]

Image with the text: "What is Biogas Beginners AD Large & Small".

What is Biogas? Beginner’s Anaerobic Digesters Large & Small

We answer the question: “What is Biogas?” Biogas is generated during anaerobic digestion (AD) when microorganisms break down (by eating it) organic materials in the absence of air (or oxygen). Biogas is mostly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), with very small amounts of water vapor and other gases. The carbon dioxide and other gases […]

Ludlow AD Plant Biocycle Defra demonstrator project.

UK Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion Plant – Historic 1st Ludlow Digester

In the UK Food Waste, Anaerobic Digestion Plant History began with the dedicated Food Waste AD Waste Technologies Demonstrator Plant, known as the Ludlow Digester, in Shropshire, UK. It was 2004 when the innovative Greenfinch biogas company designed and subsequently built and operated a government-funded plant, opened to process source-separated kitchen waste from council household […]

Buried masonry biogas digester tank during construction.

Biogas GCSE – BBC Bitesize Teaching and Course Content Queries

Anaerobic Decay, Methane Gas and Biogas Generators are all topics students learn in the UK Biogas GCSE student curriculum. Here they are discussed from the point of view of a UK biogas expert. Parents: Did you know that biogas GSCE content is being taught in UK schools?  Yes, it is. It is good news that […]

Image of egg-shaped anaerobic digesters at night.

Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters – Strange Looking Tanks Explained

Egg Shaped Anaerobic Digesters; Enormous eggs! Whatever next! Have you ever wondered what those huge “strangely other-world like” not quite “spherical” tanks are that you sometimes see? They are anaerobic digestion process digesters, and very useful they are too! They make sewage sludge much more wholesome and in particular, they reduce sludge odour, but best […]

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