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Amazing Bio-toilet with Home Biogas Plant Turns Human Waste Into Fuel

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We find it amazing how one designer and manufacturer has been able to take the familiar flushing toilet and produce a new bio-toilet which when combined with a Home Biogas plant, turns human waste Into fuel at a low cost, and very sustainably.

Here is our video titled “Amazing New Bio-toilet Human Waste Into Fuel”. Also, scroll down to where we have also copied the script for your information, as it is read out in the video:

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What is a HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet?

The HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet is an eco-friendly toilet that converts human waste into cooking gas.

According to the company, 2.5 billion people worldwide lack access to toilet facilities. This leads to unsanitary conditions and unhealthy fumes. It also causes economic strain and increases the risk of the transmission of diseases.

Cooking Gas

The HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet uses a biological process to convert organic waste into renewable cooking gas. This process is scientifically called anaerobic digestion. This revolutionary toilet can make your kitchen and garden healthier and provides a cleaner cooking gas. The HomeBiogas toilet requires far less maintenance than a composting toilet, and it is never a mess or smelly.

Crop Fertiliser

Because of its low organic solids content, HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet effluent is suitable for gardens, landscaping, and fruit trees. The system is even used in refugee camps.

The effluent (known as digestate) can even be irrigated to existing fruit trees or be diluted and the filtered liquid fed into standard irrigation lines.

In addition to being eco-friendly, the HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet is effective in areas with poor water supply.

Very Low Water Consumption

Compared to conventional toilets, HomeBiogas Bio-Toilets use only 1.5 litres of recycled grey water per flush. This is an incredible water-saving feat, as toilets typically use between five and 10 litres of water per flush. In addition, it also reduces the household's energy consumption and pollution and lowers utility bills.

Where Are These Toilets Installed?

Aside from the private home, the HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet can be used in other settings such as eco-villages, small restaurants, suburban offices, and schools. The systems are easy to install and require very little maintenance. HomeBiogas systems are environmentally friendly and have a long design life, lasting 10 to 15 years.

Not only can the bio-gas from the HomeBiogas system be used as cooking fuel and fertilizer at all the above locations. It will also divert food waste from landfills. Food waste disposed to landfills contributes enormously to global warming.

The HomeBiogas 2.0 Biodigester is Not Just for Human Waste

The HomeBiogas 2.0 biodigester will also treat food waste, toilet waste, and animal manure. The system comes with a Bio-Toilet and custom-built parts. Once installed, it will begin to digest waste and produce biogas. The biogas will then be stored for use in cooking, while the overflow is also a wonderful renewable plant fertiliser.

A home biogas system will save you money. The HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet is easy to install and doesn't require any sewage or water line connection.

What People Say About the HomeBiogas Biological Toilet

The home biogas bio-toilet is remarkable for its simplicity. For the first time using a DIY system delivered to your doorstep globally, a huge number of people will be able to process their “humanure” (poo and wee). They'll do it using a home biogas plant, and applying the anaerobic digestion process.

If you have a toilet to flush, consider yourself lucky. Lots of people on Earth don't have one. That's an environmental problem the United Nations has aimed to highlight every Nov. 19. The folks at HomeBioGas are using the day to launch a bio-toilet aimed at two of life's necessities: Pooping and eating!

“Do you create your own gas?” the startup asks.

If that sounds gross, consider this: 2.3 billion people on Earth have no access to basic toilet facilities, and 892 million practice open defecation. That's a practice that's increasing in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania due to population growth, according to the World Health Organization. This is linked to the transmission of diseases like cholera, diarrhoea, and potentially these result in death.

HomeBioGas is launching a system to attack those statistics, taking the waste people that generate every day and using a biodigester to convert our detritus into cooking fuel.

Don't worry, we're not talking about briquettes. The unit turns waste into methane. Each unit comes with a specially adapted biogas stove, so you can cook on renewable energy at home. The company says a typical home gas stove top can also be converted to use the gas with a small nozzle adjustment.

The World Wildlife Fund notes that using methane for cooking means less greenhouse gas is released into the atmosphere. via

For those who already have the HomeBiogas system, the Bio-Toilet accessory will allow you to treat your toilet waste too. It is 100% off-the-grid and will only use 1.2 litres of water from a standing source. via

For the millions of people around the world lacking sewage lines or even basic lavatories, the new HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet could provide an answer for waste disposal and energy production all at once.

Flushed with a manual pump using only 1.2 litres of water, the Bio-Toilet does not need to be connected to a water or sewage line. It can also use “grey water” (graywater in US), [such as kitchen sink water, and bathwater.]

The waste is flushed directly into the HomeBiogas solar biodigester, where it is broken down by bacteria and transformed into biogas for household needs along with other waste such as food scraps and animal manure.

While compost toilets can require manual emptying and can attract pests, the HomeBiogas system is completely sealed and there's no need to have any direct contact or hand-remove waste. via

Our Bio-Toilet Video Script

The following is the transcription of the video:

The Bio-Toilet connects to the HomeBiogas system, which is an off-grid appliance that turns organic waste into renewable cooking gas.

The main appliance – the HomeBiogas system- takes waste such as food scraps and animal manure and using a biological process, turns that into biogas.

No chemicals and no toxins.

It uses a biological process that’s 100% a process that is constantly happening in nature all around us.

If you’re interested in more details, look up anaerobic digestion, which is the scientific name for the process that the HomeBiogas system uses.

Image introduces the Bio-toilet by HomeBiogas.The new Bio-Toilet, therefore, adds human waste (or humanure, as permaculturists may know it as), and uses that as an additional resource to generate free cooking gas.

The Bio-Toilet is an incredible use of sustainable technology.

This is a life-saver for refugee camps, where sanitation and energy are scarce.

But, more “typical western families” should be adopting this type of technology as well.

We’re entering an era where our planet just cannot afford limitless toilet flushing, or the old wasteful (extraction, use, and landfill) ways.

Our rivers will die if we keep discharging our human waste, and don't begin to repair past damage.

This closed-loop system is exactly the kind of technology we need to adopt if we’re going to keep living on this planet.

What’s really great about the Bio-Toilet and the HomeBiogas system is that it makes sustainable living so easy.

“The potential for the Bio-Toilet is huge, particularly in rural and remote areas. The logistics and installation are so simple.”

Click the link below to visit HomeBiogas for more info.

Find Out More at the HomeBiogas Website

The Dry toilet – What the Home Biogas Bio-toilet Isn't

Wikipedia describes a composting toilet as follows:

A composting toilet is a type of dry toilet that treats human excreta by a biological process called composting. This process leads to the decomposition of organic matter and turns human excreta into compost-like material but does not destroy all pathogens. Composting is carried out by microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) under controlled aerobic conditions. Most composting toilets use no water for flushing and are therefore called “dry toilets”. via

The HomeBiogas version is, by contrast, aerobic, is not “dry”, and uses a grey-water flush to simply transport the waste into their patented home biogas plant, where it is treated.

Dry Toilet Competitors

Before HomeBiogas started to sell their anaerobic bio-toilet the only alternative toilet was a composting toilet such as the “BioLet Toilet System”, as follows:

BioLet Toilet Systems is the US distributor of the world's best-selling composting toilet. Engineered and built in Sweden since 1972, they offer customers a convenient waterless toilet solution. It's designed for home, cottage, cabin, boathouse, shop, or garage use. It is described as bringing the convenience of a toilet without the need to connect it to a sewer or a septic tank. via

These composting toilets use nature's aerobic decomposition process to reduce waste by 90% and convert it into nutrient-rich compost.

They do not require water hookups, which is great for stressed water supplies. In short, composting toilets are a way to allow waste to decompose safely and without odours. via

USPA Integrated Bidet Toilet System

The USPA Integrated Bidet Toilet System is a sleek redesign of the classic low-boy toilet with a modern touch of cleansing elegance. By rethinking the traditional architecture of the classic toilet's internal components, a redesign of the entire enclosure was updated resulting in a seamless skirted design which gives an overall uniform and clean look.


To dispose of your own human waste there are two proven methods available. These are:

  • compost toilets, or
  • the unique bio-toilet by HomeBiogas.

Composting toilet designs are on the whole not popular. They have been available through Amazon and other mainstream online outlets for a long time and despite the availability of well-designed and innovative systems to do it, they don't sell well.

Most people understandably dislike the idea of their faeces hanging around, beneath a composting toilet. Nor do composting toilets produce the big assets of this bio-toilet which are biogas and a great garden fertiliser!

The HomeBiogas bio-toilet is different! It has a flushing system.

The HomeBioags bio-toilet is highly sustainable because it can use recirculated digestate for flushing, or rainwater when a local water supply is available. There is even the possibility that domestic “grey water” (water from baths and washing clothes) can be collected and used for flushing.

Therefore, we think the HomeBiogas version is far better than a composting “dry” toilet.

Further thoughts on bio toilets:

Advantages of a HomeBiogas Toilet vs a Conventional Septic Tank

In conventional toilets, only 30% of human waste is degraded and the other 70% remains in the septic tank. In a home bio-digester for human waste, up to 99.9% gets digested …and is converted into reusable water and methane gas.

Disposal of human waste in accordance with conventional systems leads to groundwater contamination and pollution of water resources that can cause an enteric outbreak. A bio-digester provides eco-friendly disposal of human waste. It is [close to being] maintenance-free, efficient without dependent on any energy source and its effluents are [close to] odourless [when run well].

Less than 30% of the conventional septic tank area is sufficient. More than 99% of pathogens are [said to be] killed and hence it is hygienic and healthy.

More than 99% of the waste is decomposed. via

Sustainable Toilets – The View from India

An inexpensive and easy-to-operate alternative to traditional waste disposal, eco-friendly toilets are a great way of meeting new Sustainable Development Goals while supporting the Indian government's vision of a cleaner, healthier society.

Bio-digester toilets are designed to convert human waste into gases and [fertiliser]. The zero-waste biodigester technology uses psychrotrophic bacteria like Clostridium and Methanosarcina (these microbes can live in a cold or hot climate and feed on waste to survive) to break down human excreta into usable water and gas. Once applied, the bacteria can work for a lifetime.

Wastes from toilets are sent to a … bio-digester tank where anaerobic digestion takes place. via

[First published February 2019. The section headed “What is a HomeBiogas Bio-Toilet? was added on 25 September 2022.]

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    • Don Brown
    • February 19, 2019

    Nice to see that there is a logical development of the HomeBiogas product range. How about making device to pump the gas into the house gas pipes, not just to use the gas on the stove, but whole house?

    • DALE W WULFF pe
    • February 19, 2019

    Thank you and thank God for the original design. Sincerely, Dale

  1. Reply

    In India the bio-toilets developed by DRDO have failed everywhere. Even the army, for whom it was developed, has repeatedly said they don’t work.

    1. Reply

      Looks like you refer to bio-digesters which have been installed in trains. I think they must be very different from the bio-toilets in this article.

    • Adam Clark
    • March 15, 2021

    Also, the waste that comes from the biodigester can not be used as fertilizer. It says where it needs to be disposed of on the homebiogas website.

  2. Reply

    Thank You For use full Content.

    • Deb East
    • March 15, 2024

    in windy areas what keeps the bladder outside from blowing away?

      • radimin
      • March 29, 2024

      I am not sure that I understand what you mean by “bladder”. If you are referring to the black plastic biogas digester, this is a tank and is at least 2/3 a water slurry. That makes it heavy and very unlikely to blow way in the wind.

    • Neet And Angel
    • June 26, 2024

    I’m blown away by the innovative idea of converting human waste into fuel! I never knew such technology existed. What kind of maintenance does this bio-toilet require and how efficient is it in terms of energy production?

    • 91 club
    • October 28, 2024

    This is such an innovative solution! I love how it turns waste into fuel, not only addressing sanitation issues but also promoting renewable energy. Can’t wait to see more advancements in this area!

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