Biogas from Fish Waste – Energy off the Hook at Waste Salmon AD Plant
Producing biogas from fish waste might not seem like a big deal to mainlanders, but it truly is a big deal on an island with a lot of salmon farms. Getting “energy off the hook” is a sustainable renewable gas-making “fishy business” that provides 24/7 power in all weather conditions to power local communities just […]
What are Biogas Plants? – Digesters Explained with Examples
So, what are Biogas Plants? Biogas plants are systems that use organic waste to generate renewable energy (biogas). Biogas is a gas mixture composed of methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases formed when organic matter decomposes in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digestion is the process of producing biogas from organic waste. 1 – An […]
Introduction to the Dairy Farm Biogas Production Process
The dairy farm biogas production process begins with the collection of manure and other organic materials from the farm. The organic materials are then mixed with water and degraded by bacteria to create biogas. The biogas is then pressurized, cleaned and purified to grid quality and used to power facilities on the farm. That in […]
Mass Extinction in 2100 – Is UNFCCC’s Warning – Implement Biogas Decarbonization Now!
Concerned about accelerating mass extinction in 2100, and subsequently? Read this to find out how maximising biogas production now is an essential tool towards the decarbonization of Europe. By decarbonising quickly the benefits accrue over the years and provide much more benefit in reduced temperature rises, than by doing this later. Scroll down to read […]
Biogas GCSE – BBC Bitesize Teaching and Course Content Queries
Anaerobic Decay, Methane Gas and Biogas Generators are all topics students learn in the UK Biogas GCSE student curriculum. Here they are discussed from the point of view of a UK biogas expert. Parents: Did you know that biogas GSCE content is being taught in UK schools? Yes, it is. It is good news that […]
Pipeline Quality Gas and 3 Biomethane Gas to Grid Benefits
Pipeline Quality Gas (i. e. natural gas pipeline quality gas made from biogas) and the acceptance of biogas upgrading technology which purifies raw biogas to pipeline quality is the greatest success story of the anaerobic digestion industry of the last 10 years. Acceptance of their “pipeline quality gas” (i.e biomethane) by the natural gas network […]
Anaerobic Digestion in the US: 6 Federal and State Incentives and Funding
The use of biogas as an energy source is on the rise in the United States, due to both federal and state incentives and funding initiatives. Biogas is a renewable energy source produced from the decomposition of organic matter, such as food waste, manure, and other organic materials. In this blog article, we will explore […]
Biogas Potential is Too Small to Make a Difference – 2 Myths Busted! WBA Report Shows
How large is the biogas potential in terms of energy output? Can there ever be enough anaerobic digestion plants to really make enough of a difference to significantly reduce global carbon emissions? The pessimists peddle the 2 main myths that: 1) the energy yield from biogas production is too low, which makes it uneconomical and […]
Anaerobic Digestion of Whey – The Proven Biogas Technology Solution
Disposing of unwanted whey from commercial dairies, was once a considerable problem. But, that was before recent developments in the anaerobic digestion of whey and biogas plant technology. Instead of a problem whey which is not for any reason suitable for food production has become an asset. During the anaerobic digestion process microorganisms break down […]