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Image text: "Value of Biogas for Decarbonization Recognised".

Value of Biogas for Decarbonization Recognized – WBA COP26 Blue Zone Presence Announced

In a stunning move, the value of biogas for global decarbonization has been recognized by COP26 organizers. The WBA has beaten many other applicants to have a stand in the “inner circle” called the “Blue Zone” at COP26. That bodes well for a high COP26 profile for anaerobic digestion and biogas and the truly beneficial […]

Image text: "Renewable Natural Gas Transport".

Renewable Natural Gas Transport – Use of Biogas for Vehicle Fuel

There are many benefits in the use of renewable natural gas transport using biomethane from the anaerobic digestion process. Rather than deliberately extracting natural gas trapped in the ground, this green gas makes use of resources already present in our surroundings. RNG may be produced from current resources using advanced gas clean-up technology, resulting in […]

Image text: "Biogas Compressor Purpose Design and Suppliers".

Biogas Compressor – Purposes, Design and Suppliers

We thought that we would write about the biogas compressor, its purposes within an anaerobic digestion plant. Plus, design requirements and suppliers. Biogas is an environment-friendly energy source. It is a product that is quite new and there is a growing market for the specialized corrosion resistant compressors required. The essential features sought in compressors for […]

Methane Combustion Pledge to Reduce CH4 Emissions

Methane Combustion Pledge to Reduce CH4 Emissions 1/3 by 2030 Praised

What is in effect a methane combustion pledge to reduce massively climate-damaging anthropogenic methane emissions is the excellent news announced on the run-up to the COP26 Climate Change talks in Scotland next month. Why is Methane Combustion Preferred to Methane Emission? Methane combustion with the utilization of heat is preferred to reduce the climate change […]

Image text: "5 Critical Factors in the Design of Every Biogas Plant".

The 5 Most Critical Factors in the Design of Every Biogas Plant – Xergi Biogas

In this article Xergi Biogas (now Nature Energy) identifies the 5 most critical factors in the design of every Biogas Plant. The highly experienced and well-respected Danish and UK based Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas Plant design and build contractor Xergi, has provided useful information on their website about achieving the efficient design of every AD Plant. […]

Image text: " How to Reduce Methane Emissions".

How to Reduce Methane Emissions – Using Agricultural and Waste Biogas

The question of how to reduce methane emissions is an important one. It is not fully appreciated that the science shows that the ONLY way to meet global temperature rise targets is to drastically reduce methane emissions now. This can be done by using tried and tested agricultural and waste sector biogas technology. No new […]

Image with the text: "Improving Biogas Efficiency Ferrous Not Ferric Dosing".

Improving Biogas Plant Efficiency – Why Ferrous Chloride Dosing Not Ferric Chloride is Best

Seeking to improve biogas plant efficiency and understanding why Ferrous Chloride, Not Ferric Chloride, is the best of the two as a dosing additive within a balanced biogas output-raising product. During a recent exhibition stand enquiry I was making, an expert from Lukeneder helped me understand this point. She explained the differences between Ferrous Chloride […]

Biogas neglected featured image

Anaerobic Digestion & Biogas Potential Neglected in 2020 UK Report Failure

Not for the first time “biogas potential has been neglected” – we reported in August 2020. An influential Think-Tank report has now been published by experts who should know better, and which completely misunderstands and ignores the full scope and potential of the anaerobic digestion and biogas industry “on the road to recovery”. Referring to […]

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