Anaerobic Digestion plants

Image text: "Biogas Substrate Tank Mixing".

Digester Mixing Solutions with Landia GasMix and Stirrer

Better biogas plant substrate mixing during fermentation is great news for a biogas operator. The importance of “creating a stir” in the fermentation tanks of fully mixed bio-reactors is huge. It provides better biogas yields and improved process stability. And, this is becoming much better understood. Many AD plant clients around the globe are discovering […]

Image text: "Designing a Biogas Plant 5 Things You Should Know".

5 Things You Should Know Before Designing a Biogas Plant

We sat down and wrote this article on “5 things you should know before designing a Biogas Plant” to help our readers to create the best biogas plant design way back in 2015. 10 years later, we look back, and we think this information is still relevant and useful. (And, we also added some additional […]

Image with the text: "Improving Biogas Efficiency Ferrous Not Ferric Dosing".

Improving Biogas Plant Efficiency – Why Ferrous Chloride Dosing Not Ferric Chloride is Best

Seeking to improve biogas plant efficiency and understanding why Ferrous Chloride, Not Ferric Chloride, is the best of the two as a dosing additive within a balanced biogas output-raising product. During a recent exhibition stand enquiry I was making, an expert from Lukeneder helped me understand this point. She explained the differences between Ferrous Chloride […]

Image text: "The Cost of Anaerobic Digestion in the UK".

Cost of Anaerobic Digestion in the UK: WRAP Annual Gate Fees Report 2022

The cost of anaerobic digestion in the UK is reported for those seeking to operate their own biogas plants as below: Latest 2022 Annual WRAP Gate Fees Report Another indicator of the rising demand for food waste and the highly geographically variable degree of supply and demand in the market for anaerobic digestion for those […]

Image with the text: "What is Biogas Beginners AD Large & Small".

What is Biogas? Beginner’s Anaerobic Digesters Large & Small

We answer the question: “What is Biogas?” Biogas is generated during anaerobic digestion (AD) when microorganisms break down (by eating it) organic materials in the absence of air (or oxygen). Biogas is mostly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), with very small amounts of water vapor and other gases. The carbon dioxide and other gases […]

Image has text: "UK Anaerobic digestion plants exceed 100 and Hit Trouble?"

UK Anaerobic Digestion Plants Exceed 100 And Hit Trouble: Looking Back

In this article, we will look back at our March 2013 article when UK Anaerobic Digestion Plants exceeded 100 and were receiving damaging media attention due to novice operators causing some high-profile environmental problems. So, we reported that they were “hitting trouble”. The fact is that now (in 2023), with the benefit of hindsight, we […]

Anaerobic Digestion Basics Featured image.

Anaerobic Digestion Basics and 5 Tips on How AD Works

We bring you the Anaerobic Digestion Basics (AD) and if you scroll down, 5 tips on how AD Works. AD is in-truth an unhelpful acronym for the basic age-old natural process that produces renewable energy as heat and biogas, and at the same time makes a natural crop fertilizer. That, in a nutshell, is basic […]

Image text: "Biogas Potential is Too Small".

Biogas Potential is Too Small to Make a Difference – 2 Myths Busted! WBA Report Shows

How large is the biogas potential in terms of energy output? Can there ever be enough anaerobic digestion plants to really make enough of a difference to significantly reduce global carbon emissions? The pessimists peddle the 2 main myths that: 1) the energy yield from biogas production is too low, which makes it uneconomical and […]

Xergi biogas featured image

Xergi Biogas Plants – 5 Advanced Plant Construction Themes

The Xergi Biogas company, Denmark’s market-leading supplier of AD technology (2017) has been building a successful biogas business in the UK, and around the world, for over 10 years (2022). They have multiple anaerobic digestion plants now either operational or in construction. New Xergi biogas plants are announced every few months. As you can see from […]

Image etct: "What is Renewable Energy".

What is Renewable Energy and How Does It Work

Renewable energy is the world’s fastest-growing energy resource. Renewable Energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished by human or natural systems. Over most of human history, fire has been used as a low-tech, low-cost method to produce heat and provide light. Renewable Energy technologies ultimately strive to reduce dependence on burning fossil fuels […]

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