
Biogas Electricity Demand Response EDR unlikely

Electricity Demand Response in the Biogas Industry: Why It Hasn’t Taken Off (and Likely Won’t)

Electricity Demand Response (EDR) was 10 years or so ago touted as a big opportunity for renewable power generation and that included within biogas circles, but that was when most digesters generated electricity and was before “upgrading” became the big thing. In theory it would be used by biogas plant operators, it allows energy producers […]

Image illustrates he article about the finalised US Clean Hydrogen Tax Incentive Rules.

U.S. Rules for Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit: A Global Perspective

Final Rules for the Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit Announced by the U.S. Treasury: An International View. These new rules are expected to benefit the AD industry globally because they promise to boost biogas hydrogen production raising the demand for it, and the increasing financial reward for those that generate it. The U.S. Department of […]

Tips for efficient Manure Management: Featured Image.

Tips for Efficient Manure Management and Avoiding Fugitive Methane Emissions

Strategies for Effective Manure Management while Mitigating Fugitive Methane Emissions Did you know that livestock emissions cause about 32% of methane emissions from humans? Methane is 80 times more harmful than carbon dioxide for warming over 20 years. As a farmer, you’re key in fighting climate change. By managing manure well and using organic fertilisers, […]

Thumbnail image with text: "COP29 Declaration on-Organic Waste."

COP29 Declaration on Organic Waste a Pivotal Moment for Biogas

The much maligned COP29 event this November, and the “COP29 Declaration on Organic Waste” may eventually prove to be a pivotal moment, a breakthrough, for the full development of anaerobic digestion and biogas production globally. As the world confronts alarming projections for climate change, the COP29 Declaration on Organic Waste will be a much needed […]

Zoo Biogas thumbnail image.

Zoo Biogas – Why Every Zoo Should Have an AD Plant?

To produce zoo biogas for sustainable waste management and energy revenue makes a great deal of sense in a world seeking ways to fight climate change. The fact is that, zoos produce a lot of organic waste which is ideal for renewable energy production in a “biodigester” or anaerobic digestion facility. Just visit any of […]

Image shows the text: "First IoW Biogas Plant - Update"

First IoW Biogas Plant – Update and Now There Are Two!

The first Isle of Wight Biogas Plant was in the news back in 2014 when the Black Dog biogas plant was commissioned. Wight Farm Energy and Schmack Biogas combined their international expertise with local knowledge a year later to build and commission the second IoW biogas plant on the UK holiday and sailing Island. It […]

Image text: "Anaerobic digestion plant cost for manure management".

Anaerobic Digester Cost – Manure Management Projects On-Farm

How much does an Anaerobic Digester built for manure and nutrient management cost to construct, commission and run? That’s the vital question for AD utilisation for manure management projects on farms. If the sum of these costs is known and the price payable for the valuable outputs in energy and biofertiliser available to any farm […]

Cenergy solutions - Examples of vehicles powered by ANG technology.

Cenergy Adsorbed Natural Biogas Cylinders (ANG) Set to Revolutionize Portability of Sustainable Methane

The quest is on for, not only a clean energy, but one that is also low-cost and truly portable. Adsorbed natural biogas cylinders (ANG) might be the solution. Many people think capturing and using natural biogas in a green way is hard. But, it’s now about to get simpler than you might guess with new […]

Image text: "UK Anaerobic Digestion business rate threat".

UK Anaerobic Digestion Plant Business Rates Surge: A Threat to Green Energy Goals

Since we last posted about the enormous rise in biogas plant operator business rates, the concerns about the UK Anaerobic Digestion Plant Business Rates Surge raised in the original article (and ADBA Press Release) published on this blog in April 2021, have become reality. The fears have indeed materialized into a significant challenge for the […]

Featured image text: "World Will Fail Climate Targets".

World Will Fail Climate Targets Unless Organic-Waste Methane is Cut Now – WBA Report Update

The world will fail to meet the promised Paris 2015 Accord climate targets unless action is taken now to reduce organic-waste methane emissions. Globally, all governments must act now to start cutting highly damaging methane emissions from the breakdown of organic waste, or they will be by default simply abandoning their pledges—this is our interpretation of […]