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REPowerEU Strategy Plan YouTube Video.

REPowerEU Strategy Will Boost Biomethane from Biogas

A new EU wide plan known as the “REPowerEU Strategy” has become law. It will be a game changer for the European Biogas Industry and a massive boost for biomethane production from biogas which will drive the development of many more anaerobic digestion facilities across the European continent. REPowerEU is a European Commission initiative to […]

Featured image with text that says: "Brewery Waste Management: A Review of WASE’s IndustriWASE Treatment Tech".

Brewery Waste Management: A Review of WASE’s IndustriWASE Treatment Technology

Brewery Waste Management is a vital subject for the brewing industry. With wastewater treatment and disposal with energy now accounting for approximately 8% of expenditures for UK breweries, brewers must choose between constricted margins, passing costs on to customers, or both. Drink production in breweries, wineries, and distilleries presents special water and wastewater treatment issues. […]

Featured image text: "How to Improve Soil Health".

How to Improve Soil Health: The Planet Saving Role of Compost and Digestates

How to Improve Soil Health is a pressing concern. It was the subject of evidence Dr Jane Gilbert from Carbon Clarity gave oral evidence on behalf of CIWM to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee at the House of Commons recently. Her presentation was provided with an emphasis on the value of compost and […]

List of 10 Top Biogas Plant Manufacturers.

10 Top Biogas Pump Manufacturers in Europe: List of Leaders in Slurry Pumping Innovation

We offer you below a list of 10 top Biogas Pump Manufacturers active in Europe which we believe is truly a list of leading companies in sustainable slurry pumping Innovation in the AD industry. As we continually grapple with environmental sustainability issues, biogas pump manufacturing stands as one of the core “must not fail” product […]

Image has the text: "Renewable energy is cheaper than fossil fuels - Renewable energy vs fossil fuels".

Renewable Energy Cheaper than Fossil Fuels – Renewable Energy vs Fossil Fuels: A Cost Comparison

As the global community grapples with the profound challenges posed by climate change, the focus on renewable energy sources has intensified since we first published our energy comparison article in mid-2020. No longer is it controversial to declare renewable energy cheaper than fossil fuels. Price rises on fuels, led by natural gas prices, jumped to […]

addressing E-waste-from PCBs.

Addressing E-Waste From Printed Circuit Boards – PCB Recycling

In addressing sustainable waste in the past, we’ve written specifically about the needs of industrialized nations. Another vital need of developed nations is for them to address the sustainability issues created by E-Waste from printed circuit boards specifically. We’ve touched on the “treating and sanitizing of wastes” in this blog before. so, in this article, […]

View of tall Stallenkamp CSTRs the 1st of a new breed.

Stallkamp Builds It’s First Mega Tall Digester CSTRs (IFAT)

“Mega” Tall Digester CSTRs or the claim to “very large tall Continuously Stirred Tank Reactors” (CSTRs) as made by Stallkamp in their Press Release below, may sound a little over-the-top, but it makes a very valid point.  They may well be the first of many new-style tall tanks. Certainly, as anaerobic digestion technology advances, the […]

Pixabay Image 4193109

Climate Emergency Declaration: Biogas Can Abate 12% of GHG Emissions by 2030

A Climate Emergency Declaration by governments and communities is of little or no use unless it results in a commitment to an action plan. Most don’t! So our announcement of the Biogas and Climate Change Commitment Declaration in 2019 was notable. Notable because this commitment is real. All the technology needed is available right now. […]

Image with the text: "UK Energy Security Plans Lack Biogas Action".

UK Energy Security – DESNZ “Powering Up Britain” Plans Lack Biogas Action

This week’s “Powering Up Britain” announcement from the government, which could do so much to improve UK Energy Security, has received a lukewarm response generally. The ADBA Press Release below shows that disappointment within the biogas community goes deeper: “Our view on this is that climate change is a real and imminent threat to our […]

Image has the text: "Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages".

Oil Shale Gas Advantages and Disadvantages vs Biogas

We did find one advantage of shale gas when considering oil shale gas advantages and disadvantages vs biogas! So, welcome to the great debate between oil shale gas, and biogas. As someone who has studied many difficult comparisons, I understand that every scenario has advantages and disadvantages. It’s no different when it comes to fossil […]

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