Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion Basics Featured image.

Anaerobic Digestion Basics and 5 Tips on How AD Works

We bring you the Anaerobic Digestion Basics (AD) and if you scroll down, 5 tips on how AD Works. AD is in-truth an unhelpful acronym for the basic age-old natural process that produces renewable energy as heat and biogas, and at the same time makes a natural crop fertilizer. That, in a nutshell, is basic […]

Dairy Farm Biogas Production-process with Advert.

Introduction to the Dairy Farm Biogas Production Process

The dairy farm biogas production process begins with the collection of manure and other organic materials from the farm. The organic materials are then mixed with water and degraded by bacteria to create biogas. The biogas is then pressurized, cleaned and purified to grid quality and used to power facilities on the farm. That in […]

Pipeline quality gas to grid featured image

Pipeline Quality Gas and 3 Biomethane Gas to Grid Benefits

Pipeline Quality Gas (i. e. natural gas pipeline quality gas made from biogas) and the acceptance of biogas upgrading technology which purifies raw biogas to pipeline quality is the greatest success story of the anaerobic digestion industry of the last 10 years. Acceptance of their “pipeline quality gas” (i.e biomethane) by the natural gas network […]

IMAGE TEXT: "Biogas Power for Low CO2 Emissions".

Biogas Power for Low CO2 Emissions & Carbon Negative Electricity

The use of biogas power for renewable low carbon dioxide emissions and, with carbon capture, the ability to provide carbon-negative electricity is unique and growing. In general, the cost of biogas power is slightly higher than the cost of generating electricity from wind or utility-scale solar PV but this is more than offset by the […]

Xergi biogas featured image

Xergi Biogas Plants – 5 Advanced Plant Construction Themes

The Xergi Biogas company, Denmark’s market-leading supplier of AD technology (2017) has been building a successful biogas business in the UK, and around the world, for over 10 years (2022). They have multiple anaerobic digestion plants now either operational or in construction. New Xergi biogas plants are announced every few months. As you can see from […]

Image shows an example of the Bioeconomy.

Bioeconomy – What Does It Mean?

The Bioeconomy? What does it mean? That’s a good question. Stay with us a moment and we’ll explain our definition. Plus, we tell you why a thriving bioeconomy is good for our planet and can reduce climate change. Our planet is getting more and more crowded. As a result, we need to use our resources more […]

Image text: "Biogas Future Prospects Rapid Growth and Insatiable Demand".

Biogas Future Prospects – Rapid Growth and Insatiable Demand

Biogas’ future prospects have never looked better. As they enter a period of rapid growth propelled by world events, there is an Insatiable demand for biogas. That is the “perfect storm” in prospect for anaerobic digestion technology because there is also an ever-increasing demand for reducing GHG emissions and RNG (biomethane) for transport use. So, […]

Image text: "High Rate Anaerobic Digestion".

High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant Treats Wastewater Effluent Streams

By definition, a High Rate Anaerobic Digestion Plant can effectively handle high-strength wastewater effluent streams, such as sewage sludge. To be high rate it needs to be able to provide the necessary reactions at a higher rate than traditional biogas process plant which need a 30 day retention period or longer. Back in 2017, we […]

Image text: "Biogas in South Korea".

Biogas in South Korea

The prospect for Biogas in South Korea is looking up! Since President Moon Jae-in took office, the prospects for anaerobic digestion in South Korea have increased. The government has been making strenuous efforts to attain autonomy in the electricity and heat sectors, as well as to considerably expand the percentage of renewable energies. Increasing the […]

Image text: "The Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Management".

Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Treatment – UASBs EGSBs and Staging

The Role of Anaerobic Digestion in Wastewater Management Typically, anaerobic digestion (AD) has been used for municipal wastewater sludge treatment, and in the industrial wastewater sector for COD/ BOD reduction as in the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed (UASB). Only very rarely has it been used to treat industrial effluent the vast majority of which continues […]

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