
Manure biogas galore - Featured image.

Manure Biogas Galore! With Landia at De Jong Family Farms

A Manure Biogas Bonanza: De Jong Family Farms Thrives with Landia’s Help De Jong Family Farms, a large-scale dairy operation with 6,200 cows, is thrilled with the success of their manure biogas production, thanks to Landia’s outstanding service. Transforming manure into over 100,000 MMBtu of clean, green energy for Indiana’s interstate pipeline, the farm has […]

Image text: "Anaerobic Digestion of US Dairy manure".

Anaerobic Digestion of Dairy Farm Manure in the US

The anaerobic digestion of dairy manure In the United States is growing fast, so if you are new to the concept of making energy from farm waste, while also creating fertiliser to replenish the soil, read on! Dairy farms across the United States face a growing challenge – managing cow dung. With tonnes of waste produced […]

Thumbnail for the article: biomethane vs natural gas.

Biomethane Vs Natural Gas: A Comprehensive Comparative Analysis

This page is where you will find our comprehensive comparative analysis of biomethane versus natural gas, which demonstrates a huge prospect for rapid growth in biomethane output. Choosing the right energy source is a big problem for many people today. We all want something that is clean, affordable and does not harm our planet. Biomethane and […]

First shipping fleet to use green biogas fuel.

Recent News and Developments in Biogas Engines for Shipping

Biogas Engines For Ships: The Trend Toward Biogas In Maritime Transport Finding greener options for fuel in ships is a big challenge today. The International Maritime Organisation aims to cut ship emissions by half by 2050. Our article explores the latest developments and how biogas can offer a solution, providing cleaner energy for ships. Keep reading to learn more! Understanding Biogas […]

Is Biogas Renewable featured image.

Is Biogas Renewable? Unveiling The Truth Behind Its Sustainability

Many people ask, is biogas renewable? It is mostly methane (a severe greenhouse gas) and when it is burned, it creates carbon dioxide (the gas we are told is the main culprit behind climate change!). So, isn’t the truth behind its sustainability that the whole idea of renewable biogas is pure greenwash? Read on to […]

Image text: "Biogas in Estonia showing an Envitech Plant".

Biogas in Estonia – Ambitious Growth Planned for Biomethane Vehicle Usage and to Meet EU Directives

In this article, we report on the ambitious expansion underway for biogas in Estonia, with big increases in production planned, especially for biomethane in transport and to meet EU Directives. Introduction to Biogas in Estonia Estonia has significantly shifted its energy focus towards renewable sources since joining the European Union. While oil shale was previously […]

Featured image text: "What is methane stripping of landfill leachate".

What is Methane Stripping of Landfill Leachate?

Methane Stripping of Landfill Leachate refers to the removal of dissolved methane from landfill leachate before it is directly pumped into a public sewer. If the methane dissolved in leachate was allowed to enter the sewers, it may be present in sufficient concentrations to cause an explosion and/or asphyxiation risk within the sewer into which […]

Image text: "Biogas and Biomethane in 2024 - Future Trends and Predictions".

Biogas and Biomethane Production in the UK

In this article, we look ahead to likely developments in UK biogas and biomethane in 2024 to give you our thoughts on the trends likely to develop this year for better, and in some cases, for worse for the anaerobic digestion (AD) industry sector in the United Kingdom. As energy costs remain high and record profits […]

Turning poop into power article featured-image

Turning Poop Into Power (Power Poop!): The Future of Sustainable Energy

What is the world coming to when we say we will talk about power poop! Yes! Turning poop into power! Are we crazy? No not at all. There is nothing silly or childish about this revolution in bioenergy and waste management. To put it bluntly: Using livestock poo and human toilet waste as fuel. In […]

The anaerobic reindeer christmas card, biogas christmas card, IPPTS Associates Christmas card

Seasons Greetings to All Our Visitors and Subscribers

Hi! Seasons Greetings to all who visit our website, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas please also accept our best wishes. We hope this year’s Christmas card (top of page) brings a smile to your face. We also so much hope that reading our articles through 2023 has been enjoyable. Amazingly, we have just realized […]

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